Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

So arcane odyssey is just a soulborne game but without the part where you have fun

I use attack speed on all of my builds but I’m not biased enough to disagree with any nerfs

vote for atk speed in the second poll so we can get it nerfed even more

power seems to be the dominant stat, agility might need a nerf

sounds like a skill issue
get stronger opinions

People prefer to use power and attack size? Better nerf thermo fist again to be safe


maybe it will finally not be horribly stretched horizontally

Maybe Othrys won’t be deep enough to put Atlantean items in Nimbus Sea chests.

Mfw thermo fist is literally F tier now :sob:

Thermo fist went from S tier to F tier

I am so paranoid theres going to be some sort of accidental bug wipe… But overall, I cant wait to see functional spirit hybrids ingame!

Vetex accidentally wipes everyone’s level

Vetex accidentally wipes everyone’s stat points or everyone gets max vitality damage reduction somehow

i know everyone’s joking around, but there is a reason maintenance now exists

Ngl I forgot about the new hour-long maintenances before updates

i’m still probably gonna wait around a day before playing just in case

right now if you attempt to invest stat points that would make you a warden, the game physically prevents you
that hasn’t changed yet

personally, i think it should be two separate hotfixes- one for the balance and one for the vfx, that’ll tide over the community this month and give vetex more time for empires (ideally he spends a week on balance and he said that vfx would take roughly a week)

100% agreed on this one, the changes that are necessary aren’t always universally liked

or they actually notice that power is dominant and half all sources of it (please don’t actually do this bteam i beg you)

Last time I checked, doesn’t the B-Team want Power or Defense to be dominant? Those are the two stats you really want in most builds.

there’s a note in one of the previous balance docs that explicitly stated that there was a lot of work to bring the meta away from power and defense ever since the WoM days