Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Can we take a second to question this guys fit?

Maybe Iā€™m blind but isnā€™t lightning getting new VFX? Why does it look exactly the same as the current?

honestly itā€™s fine as is, plus itā€™s chosen by a story choice anyways so

pre spirit energy leak files:

Mightve been recorded before the Lightning change

Honestly Iā€™d love if we get to pick the color but Iā€™m fine with it staying how it is

I mean with ruthless being colors like red and purple arenā€™t bad picks but if you really wanted to stretch it any color could represent that

now this isnt a patchnote (possible execution) but uhh

vetex just casually changed the entire origin of magic :broken_heart:


So whatā€™s the difference between a mage and a paladin?

the vfx change is only for the beam, pillar self explosion, etc.
actually after looking at it again you can see it every time thereā€™s a lightning ā€œpulseā€


  • Prometheus pretended to be an old man to give away magic in some small village ā†’ Prometheus gave humans the ability to use magic in a ā€œgrand spectacleā€ in Athens
  • Agumented Magic aka magic casted through magic circles ( aka elemental/current magic ) is something that was invented later on ā†’ Its been there since the beginning but only people with high spirit energy can do it

Not sure if I like this lore change because it makes me think the average mage is basically a pseudo paladin now

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If the difference between those who can cast with magic and those who canā€™t is having enough spiritual energy, then whatā€™s stopping any of the vitality classes from casting magic?

Ok so its heavily implied that weā€™re a descendant of Zeus now with the Eagle Patrimony, and if Morden was also experimented on just like us from the Order likely for being a descendant of a god, who is Morden a descendant of?

I dibs Hades

I mean, lorewise, nothing but everyone is technically a savant anyways so it doesnt matter so they probably just focused in on using their spirit wep more, gamewise, they focused on spirit energy so much they neglected their magic

I also call dibs on Hades

same, dunno with Tucker thoā€¦ then again, hes deadā€¦ and Hades is ruler of the underwordā€¦

durza also got a name change to ā€œAcheronā€
which means probably a lot of things but the most prominent (maybe) is ā€œthe underworld or Hadesā€

Tucker probably isnā€™t related to any deities (Vetex completely forgot to write anything about him)

Oh great, now I cant stop thinking of Acheron from HSR every time I read it :sob: darn it