Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

same as with merciful + sunlight
it’s just a bit counterintuitive

red ruby:

Citrine + Gold

We should think of complimentary colors too. But Purple Lightning didnt look as well with Gold imo

Cant wait to see the black hole build with shadow and golden spirit energy… (Or maybe blue!)

(shadow’s) black + yellow is a pretty cool combination

also I’m not sure if we’ve actually seen the EP imbued into magic yet

I don’t usually like yellow/blue colours together but I think sapphire/merciful might look pretty cool especially as it matches with the Grand Navy colours quite well.

My merciful glass paladin is going to die from the visuals :sob: Teal would’ve looked so much better

dang you have a point
ngl that would make the game cooler
except if they add player races that would be weird but like npcs as myth creatures is just

yeah that’s what I’m going rn
shadow merciful build :smiley:

yellow lightning was RIGHT THERE

cold wind + merciful


I’m losing so hard rn

will probably not be that bad

we both know it’s going to look absolutely terrible :sob:

only reason I went cold wind was because I didn’t assume paladins were gonna get some weird kind of special treatment

Vet about Oracles not being added



this video is one of my new favourite videos I’ve seen on the forum

hey guys I’m switching my shadow warlock to paladin
with the start should I go 50-50 or 60-40 (or 40-60)

leap is nice

Meaning Spirit Energy is (in some way) naturally harvested. Else, you couldn’t open you second or third mind with training. Probably using magic energy does some bullshit that amplifies spirit energy, allowing you to become stronger in other ways than just mastering your magic

To create the edgiest character possible, just wait second awakening, and go savant.
With imbuement mastery, you’ll be able to imbue your spells with red spirit energy and dual katanas with shadow magic