Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

sir this is a game where if you wind up for an attack you hover in the air for seconds

where in any of this would physics matter

I imagine the way it works in a technical level is slowing your fall and giving more horizontal speed, that meaning that you can use it in any situation

because these are both real things that are rather clearly not magic

those npc ravenna ensigns who have no magic capabilities and use swords also hover in the air by simply swinging their swords

It would hopefully also be some way to sort of have flight but

  1. You can’t carry sealed chests or cargo, making ships still useful
  2. Short to medium distance, once again meaning ships are still useful, especially if you don’t have something tall to take off from.
  3. Available for all classes, meaning mages don’t just get all the fun.
  4. You can’t use abilities until you land, meaning it won’t break pvp
  5. Probably able to be cancelled in some way by taking damage so you can’t run (although a glider chase would be cool)

being able to use m1s would be cool for a glider, and I hope you can still use abilities to get out of/before gliding, just not glide more than once in the air. Tbh I envision it as not a feature that has to worry about pvp nor have that dogshit “take damage = cancel” bullshit from deepwoken, because in ao people attack more than fast enough with enough aoe to easily hit players that are gliding. Maybe you make it start off slow to leave you heavily open

vetex using paragliders as an excuse to add some fall damage would be hilarious

that would be extremely funny, especially on the stepstones and sky islands lmao

imagine boarding other boats using the gliders

rip falling from the mountain to speed up talking to Warren fr…

idea: fall damage can only bring your hp to 1, not 0

Sunkens will be wiped again!1! (source: I made it up)

ok let’s rename this to:

Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Anybody know if you can change your spirit colour

It might just be easier to just name it the “patch notes thread” or something of the like and call it a day

So if you killed Elius its purple(red if you’re a paladin), if you spared him its blue(gold if you’re a paladin)

haven’t touched mistral update yet, any major bugs that slipped through the cracks that would cause reason to not join yet?

No major bugs as of yet but attack size is overly buffed now

I’m gonna go into elyiusm maining thermo and get slammed into the ground

i’m gonna go with my cannon fist juggernaut build and get slammed into the ground