Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Why did I assume he had only two sons?

Also, are there any major bugs or is it safe to play?

Nah no major bugs, they tested the update in the main game for like an hour before release.
Update is pretty alright

Now time to play it five times

Iā€™m getting ready to jump wotanā€™s sons bro istgā€¦

merciful traitā€¦ donā€™t make me a pussyā€¦ we gonna be slitting some throats in this world of magicā€¦

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Port Mistalā€™s Secret talks about The creation of arcanium metals
Which included Imbued, Normal, and Devourer varients

So hypothetically speaking, are the Sunken Items able to be converted into Devourerers?

Port fraudtrial is literally Ironport copy pasted

not major, but Iā€™m guessing that eagle patrimony having no cooldown is a bug
(it has ZERO cooldown, the only limit is the animation)

shhhhh dont tell vetex

oracles are just that goated

Wait, did the damage reduction even get removed? I deal the same as I did before

probably just a bug

Probably, itā€™s certainly meant to do more

I just realized ravenna boss gear has reached its end ;-;

holy fk its Binah

no? the 140 is just the current cap, looks like it can go to something like 300 to me

Oh yea nvm Iā€™m dumb

Holy shit youā€™re right

Really hoping the upcomming balance hotfix addresses not just the bonkers size scaling on warrior but also gives the patrimony more than just one goddamn move :pray: