Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“harming Vetex’s mental health” is such poor wording. i think they mean that the extreme size of the balance doc demotivates vetex


I thought he would have three, and if I remember right I think Lettuce thought it would be five? Turns out it was right in the middle.

I don’t think anyone assumed four, I wonder why

Well it’s not a very nice number, is it? I don’t care that it’s even. And who has only four sons anyway?

Yeah… wait did you change your pfp? I seem to remember something else

Yeah I did, my friend drew it

I can’t wait for all of the islands to be added, Nilah dropped like 4 names in the war room


Name dropping goes hard in that final room


Also Morden saying we’re the cause of this war in the middle of the fucking castle. You fucker, if somebody heard us we would have join Tucker in the afterlife

Oak Island
Groove something something…
what else?


Same question. In theory they are already devourers, because arcanium metal takes decades to turn into devourer metal, but sunken sword for example spent multiple hundreds of years in the water.

they said that the metal is used to make a devourer

theres probably a step or two the metal need to go through before you can get a devourer

like being ribbed, a smooth sword can’t much stick into the enemy

We probably can turn sunken sword into it then.

mfs turning their sunken sword into a devourer and losing it when they stab a curse user

oh btw guys try saying something, your character’s mouth will move
this also applies to using moves with names

yeah i just realized when testing weapon skills earlier today, pretty interesting
