Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Wouldn’t level requirements for quests just be a game mechanic as well?

As a player we just spend the whole time between meditating beating up whatever pirates we run into until by the time we get to Othrys we suddenly realise that we’ve managed to learn something new.

The MC after sitting down at 3 random locations:

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That used to be my headcanon. Because I noticed that theres actually 2 timegaps in the mainline story quests that basically leaves room for sidequests to actually happen simultaneously in the story, which is interesting. (As every main story quest has a specifc date. The one after Frostmill quest has a timegap of over 14 days, and the other is the Awakenign quest now 9 days)

The second one used to be short, so I discarded the idea for a while.

But since Awakenings arent exactly canon now and that its likely MC was preparing for the war against Keraxe, I can now fit that hc lol. And it makes certain stuff that happens more viable, like Enizor’s quest and Rill Hendrix’s quest. They probs went to get new skills like the new magic or something.

lowkey I headcanon that every person we speak to ingame is lorewise the things the mc actually remembers talking to, which is why we seem to talk to a lot more people in smaller towns compared to large cities

Not just that, but I heard bits and pieces of stuff about how what were once known as "external curses’ (a term Vetex wasn’t aware of either) was mostly being used to refer to Spirit Energy Curses (non-elemental curses; not associated with magic, and made before Sea Curses) as they’d be known in the current lore.

If spirit energy is directly tied to magic awakening, when why’s Durz- Ahem. Why is Acheron still magicless after obtaining the Absorption Curse? He’d be overflowing with spirit energy!
Hell, wouldn’t this also mean even Freedrock would have magic now?

I dont think the Curse adds Spirit Energy, its just that its abilities use Spirit Energy. Like adding something a new function to something rather than add more of said something. That something being Spirit Energy.

So maybe the Base magics are, for the vast majority of people, the easiest magics that you can learn via experimentation? Lost/Ancient magics are probably too complicated for most people to unlock on their own without guidance from a scroll or a teacher.

Going with that train of thought lends credence to why Iris would be such an anomaly besides getting a Lost magic at such a young age (boring explanation on its own tbh) - she somehow unlocked Flare through experimentation without any external guidance

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it looks like the maximum level on boss equipment is 100 levels higher than the minimum- so Elius equips will end at level 160, Carina at 190, and so on.

Here’s hoping we get at least one next update

since weapons now have swappable skills, it would be interesting if you did more damage the fewer skills you have on the weapon

Tempered 1 skilled sunken staff with Fury of the sea

Metal pulsar but with water skin

but more balanced, since you have lower size and it doesn’t apply bleed
and you can spam fewer skills

You got flung only that far? I got flung so far I left the planet earth

Gaia hated your pants so much that she banished you from earth

Im pretty sure magic is entirely changed by where you live.
(eg. Shadow and Plasma were far more destructive in AA than AO)

So I think the base magics of AO that were mutations in AA are overall weaker, or atleast function differently than their seven seas counterparts

Don’t you think that this could just be because yk it’s a game and stuff changes.

AO plasma . . . . . . . . AA plasma

No, because people like the Kraken and Verdies would be treated like little bitches otherwise, when one was one of the strongest AG members, and the other a prodigy who mutated his magic before getting his second mind

I’m sorry I’m not following what you’re saying.

wasn’t kraken’s mana core cracked or something which caused him to absorb a whole bunch of magic energy which made him exponentially more powerful over time?
I vaguely remembered reading this a while ago