Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Wait a sec, I remember reading mutations on the lore doc and NOTHING ever stated that they were noncanon…


Yeah, for all we know the scroll system and mutation system could be coexisting right now.

Tbh, the retconned note of minds doesnt actually mentions “scrolls” either. The only implication is that you can learn more than 3 magics if you were taught by others. This statement might only apply to base magics, as the statement was only added to the part explaining minds and NOT mutations or higher tier magic

Or vetex could’ve retcon both for some reason

…In other words, we might need to ask Vetex a little more on that one for clarification :sweat_smile:

Hmm, at least taking from this, Im now 100% certain Vetex would change back to mutations when writing his AO book series when given a chance. Cause he himself seems to prefer mutations storywise rather than the scrolls.

Mutations make more sense than scrolls in general, although that opens up a couple of question.

  • With how most Base Magics in the War Seas are mutations, would somebody born with one of those Magics (i.e. Acid, Poison, etc.) be able to mutate them further?
  • Can somebody actually be born with a Mutation, or do they somehow mutate their Magic before realizing they have it?
  • If somebody were to mutate their Source Magic (Fire, Lightning, etc.) into something like Explosion or Plasma, would it be considered a Mutation Magic or a Base Magic in places with some Mutations seen as Base Magics?
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With the amount of time it has been since magic was given to humanity, I would think base magics have evolved from simpler to the more complex ones we have now. This might be a good answer to that 2nd one.

So with that 3rd one, I dont think Lightning would evolve to Plasma, cause that person wouldve had Plasma as their magic from the beginning if it was a base magic now in the War Seas.

So overall, that answers the first and I think they can evolve a bit further.

I swear buddy be clowning on me for no reason or I was just saying is that lost scrolls is just better than mutation but you monkey brain idiot don’t read like SkittleSnakes1 and so what I disrespect you.
And men screw you y’all for hating

you might’ve missed the cue that the argument ended

never let the fanbase knows your next move ( he doesnt know it either )

Womp womp you are the one who got all heated up for absolutely no reason

Just confirmed with vet that yes a mage could learn any amount of magic (from any decent source) it just gets exponentially more difficult to do so. I’ll get a good screenshot later.

Crawl back into whatever hole you came out for ffs

vitality 0 spirit blast cant destroy barrels…

Alright here we go.

What can we learn from this

  • Magic gets harder to learn the more magics you know, there isn’t a physical cap but we can assume learning more than three will lead to a bit of a Calvus situation where you’re too stretched out doing too much difficult stuff at once.
  • Scrolls aren’t the only way to learn magic, they’re just used in game for balance purposes. I assume you can also learn magic from being directly taught or just experimenting.
  • Awakenings are just the moment you begin to use the magic rather than the moment you begin to learn it.
  • RIP Darkflame
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I feel like I need context for this image.

So since Awakenings are just game mech… Warren just canonically sends us to be more prepared for the War ig? (I guess now that 9 days change and the Dodge reflex quest makes sense… well, if that quest wasnt at lvl 120 only :joy:)

Bro edited his message 4 times :sob::sob: