Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

According to Vetex (recent information) people rarely if never move across the dark sea (especially in mass)

another war seas soy boy silenced, glory to my blue eyed king theos :fire::punch:


itā€™s almost as if there was a major gap of time between the gift of magic and the battle between birdboy and ourple guy
like about 1050 years

I think people would take a little less than 1050 YEARS to get from places like japan to greece

Before you ask for the source, hop on the game then read the description of the far reaches (IN GAME LORE, SO 100% CANON)

none of that is what i was arguing, if you have proof that what i was arguing has changed then please show me

dawg this is just game balancing and a result of our reference points being different between games, of course they wonā€™t seem as strong when everything else is also strong

maybe because we actually know the story of the seven seas

damn fraud couldnā€™t find a crippled kid in 800 years :joy:


According to the description of the far reaches (ingame lore) certain regions around Sea Clusters have been untouched, I very much doubt people have had moved in mass across the dark sea.

The only example of this is Thorne (maybe not canon idk?) but if he is canon, he did not bring his entire nation with him lol

False, he soloā€™d a durza with 3 curses with only phoenix magic, get real i have facts and logic warseas liberal :nerd:

are you dense?
the dark sea was created after the battle battle between birdfella and ourple man

clearly you have neither

Yes, but it makes your argument have no valid citation, if your source is outright outdated by a change that is not even a month old lol

Brother? Prior to the Dark Sea, the world was identical to Earth. Tell me you know nothing about pre industrial logistics without telling me you know nothing about pre industrial logistics.

At the time magic started spreading (100 AD) there were ZERO people who had went from Greece/Rome to Japan.

I very much doubt Asia had access to magic until far later, as seen by the Lore document only naming places in Europe lol

sounds like cope, because that statement was very obviously satire :rofl:

Jee i thought the ā€œold worldā€ was just a really big continent akin to pangea!

aint it comfirmed that AO shadow is weaker different compared to AA shadow?

and it would make sense that the ā€œmutationsā€ of War Sea is weaker too, since they are just base magics now

we know that all base magic are roughly equal in term of power, while mutations almost without exception complete dwarf a base magic in AA, simply due to the fact that its harder to accquire one

Yeah same, but Vetex even went out of his way to replace Oberon, the city Theos guarded to be renamed after an actual historical english town at the time lol

the part of the citation that was debunked is unrelated to my claim, the part of the citation that is relating to my claim has stood uncontested, the war seas are more magically advanced

Yaā€¦ But maybe durzas ultimate art split everything into islandsā€¦ But the cities named were still there in the big continent- JUST A THEORY! I am no loreheadā€¦

We can only pray for the return of Oberon and other fictional placesā€¦
(rest in piece Ianā€™s Cross)

i just went into dark sea and apparently the name Ianā€™s Cross from one of the ghost is still unchanged

literally unplayable

backpedaling because you realised that what you said makes no sense and actively makes your arguments less strong, I see

first off, no, Iā€™m not

ships existed during that time, they might not have been the most reliable, but a percentage would make the whole journey. there was also the option to go by foot on a pilgrimage or something similar. learning magic seems really great, since it makes the user age way slower along with giving extreme power.

once again, they had ONE THOUSAND YEARS.

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Your argument was that its game design, which I spoke why i dont believe in above, but still could be valid, just would require vetex to rewrite Verdies and other AA characters, which has not yet happened