Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“I am you. I’ve always wanted to deny you. I didn’t want to agree with what you said. But now it’s different. I just want to kill you. If you are born again as a new person, I will kill that guy too. Even if you change your name and look, I will kill you, no matter how many times. There’s no need for meaning or reason. Perhaps this act will only become meaningful centuries after I’m dead. I guess I must be only a cog of some great thing. I will keep killing people like you before I rust away.”

i think it would go like
bronze sea: first awakening, dodge reflexes
nimbus sea: sensing, waterproofing magic
vimir sea: second awakening, lost stuff
aegean sea: ???
fifth sea: arcane apotheosis
sixth sea: ancient stuff

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Apotheosis, as in, ascending to Godhood? Where was it said this was going to happen?

Rill Hendrix mentions that it’s a skill that he knows. He doesn’t explain it at all.

Oh, if it’s Rill that knows it, it’s prolly more the definition of reaching the pinnacle of Arcane knowledge, rather than actual Godhood.

Makes me wonder if there’s an Apotheosis skill for each form of combat.

I interpret Arcane Apotheosis as the “peak” of all your skills and knowledge, and unleashing it of some sort. Reminds me of Frieren kind of (yes, I love that show) where theres this ability called “The Height of Magic”, (I prefer one manga translation “The Pinnacle of Magic”), where you reach the utmost peak of magic itself. In that series tho, the “peak” of magic is when your magic becomes so real that Mages can no longer detect it as “magic” at all. It becomes real.

Idk, thats how I see Arcane Apotheosis. After all, its Apotheosis is literally a fancy word for “pinnacle” or “peak” of something. Namewise, seems to be the same thing


what its actually a unique ability?

i thought Fern was just saying that to describe Frieren’s magic capability

Maybe its like ultimate art but better and permanent and for any skill.

Ultimate art: Ultimate art: Blast!

I think that ‘Arcane Apotheosis’ is just his special sensing ability
otherwise there wouldn’t be a secondary comma between apotheosis and and

usually, you don’t place a comma at the last word in an enumeration, and replace that with the word ‘and’ or something similar

Im pretty sure “High Sensing skill” was mentioned seperate from Arcane Apotheosis.

Uhh… you know I do that too sometimes… :sweat_smile:

yes you do, it’s called the oxford comma

fair enough

ever heard of an oxford comma :sob:

People who don’t use the oxford comma scare me.

from what i understand

“summer, autumn, winter , and spring”

the , after winter is an oxford comma right?

the poll is almost over
not sure if this vetex will actually give them an infamy system, since the 2 are pretty close together

idrk what would the infamy even do for them tbh