Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

that would be crazy

one of them is a basic skill of a damaging method that is also vetexā€™s favorite child

the other is a rare skill of a damaging method he only added cause the players ask him to

not a patch note but i thought it was interesting. it looks like not every sea is gonna be 125 levels as previously thought


Oh interesting, the second Awakening will probably be coming in the Vimir Sea then. On one hand it kinda sucks that itā€™s delayed, but on the other, Iā€™m kinda glad these power-ups are being spaced out a bit more, because having all of our Awakenings in the first two out of six seas wouldnā€™t leave much else for the rest of the game, I feel.

idk because i feel like we are meant to get some kind of major powerup per sea, but youre probably right

You have a point too, itā€™d be weird if the Nimbus Sea had nothing and the Vimir Sea had both an Awakening and lost magics. (I think Vetex said we get our first lost magic in mid-Vimir)

at the moment from what we know it should go something like this:
bronze sea: first awakening
nimbus sea: second awakening
vimir sea: lost magics/ lost fighting styles etc
aegean sea: ???
??? sea: Ancient magics/ fighting styles etc
Marauding sea: ???

Well obviously, 125 per sea would mean the max level would end up at 750, well past what vetex has stated for the level cap

Well that or awakenings arenā€™t actually bound to have 120 levels between them

I honestly really hope second awakening is in Nimbus anyways cause otherwise Savant is going to continue eating dirt for a while

Eh I donā€™t think it makes as much sense for it to be near the start of the Vimir sea

Weā€™ll be getting near the homeland of some of the five most powerful people in the War Seas, so weā€™ll likely have to fight somebody closely tied to them, which would probably boot up the second Awakening.

ngl the final boss is probably durza (in my opinion)
even tho he got defeated by the aa mc, the order of aesir is said to try and ā€œunleashā€ a destructive force as well as progressing magic at all costs.
I think the final boss will have something like 3 phases:

some crazy dude who is the highest mamber of the order
you defeat him and he uses this op magic he made to revive durza
durza goes coocoo crazy mode
durza dies again

ā€œsomehow, durza returnedā€ headass :sob:

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Gears of War 4 ass plot.

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New name?

Heā€™s no longer Durza in-lore. Itā€™s Acheron(I think I spelled it right) now.


The geometry dash rot will never escape me

Nay, it says clearly here that youā€™ll just be moved very quickly into place:


I.e you no longer snap into the position and just very rapidly move towards it.

As for the visual effect part itā€™s just referring to how it looks, and that itā€™ll take the same start to finish:


Full change for those curious:


I mean, like right now it literally gives like 3k (or is it 4k?) storage for 300k+ renown. Depending on how much it affects, it could be betterā€¦ but yeah, it could also be a lot worse

Technically, it couldnā€™t have been that way. 125*6 is 750, not 600