Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


It was supposed to go through with this additive change:

  • Make it where Food Regen buff didn’t supercharge it (increased regen and decreased the tick between regen or smth idr)
  • Have Regen be consistent with other stats in terms of investment.

I.e how people would just slap on 80 Atk Spd or Atk Size and call it a day back then but can’t nowadays. Regen is/was like that, and the additive change was to help address those two areas.

This part ^ is also explained in the smaller bullet point that was there.

lightning damage nerf hasn’t gotten in yet, hopefully vetex has pulled another “this is my favorite child” and just ignores it

what may be coming next update, take it with a grain of salt because a lot of it just just a “maybe”

its for definite that we are getting clan building and more wilderness islands though


Maybe new fighting styles? So did he decide to add Knocking Fist and Karate after all?

I’d be pretty happy if that’s the case, especially for Knocking Fist since it was on the darn AA trello.

either that or hes got some new ones

Other than the Fighting Styles, putting the possibilities listed here in a tier list would be (imo):

  • Wilderness Islands - Good god the Nimbus Sea feels dehydrated. This could probably indirectly increase the player cap in Nimbus servers and allow clans to get infamy in them too. The Bronze Sea getting more islands is also a plus with the giant mole it has near the Pelion Rift.
  • Minibosses - Only reason I like it more than clan building is because it’s not restricted to those in clans or organizations.
  • Clan Building - It’s kind of the point of the next update
  • GN/AS Islands - Only reason I care is because Sameria won’t have placeholder cells anymore. I don’t care much for the GN or AS in general, though.
  • Weapons - It’s a complete wildcard. Given that Vetex specified Level 100 weapons specifically implies they’re Warrior-only again like Captain Maria’s drops.

He seemed very passionate in regards to this update, I think he is excited and will do better than we think

remember that the current warrior exclusive weapons won’t be warrior exclusive forever once the level cap gets high enough

Yeah, but they’re going to stay like that for a while. There’s so many cool-looking ones as well, but Weapon hybrids are stuck with the base Iron or Cultural weapons, with a few special ones in between.

At least with Weapon Customization, the level requirement gaps can be filled a little easier.

speaking of weapon customization i’m curious, does the slot a weapon skill is on dictate anything about the cost to use that skill as far as how much investment you need


Don’t the third and fourth slot have higher requirements?

Yes, the 3rd and 4th slot add +10 requirement

True flying Phoenix is 160 in the first slot and 170 in the third

o h

L regen change, W :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: SURGE CHANGE
:100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

idk what they were cooking when they made the grab change in the first place

why are there so many anime references in this post (not like I’ve not made any)

I wasn’t a huge fan of the yellow spirit weapons when I saw the visuals but I feel like its growing on me. I LOVE SAND PALADIN :money_mouth_face: