Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

p sure that’s a lie. it’s just sitting somewhere on the insanity 5 border anywhere

Epicenter is always located in the halfway point of insanity 4. Also I’m pretty sure the cardinal directions is also a misconception because Vetex said ‘random directions’.

The cardinal direction thing is a huge lie. The Epicenter has been found in places that doesn’t fit into any of the four cardinal directions, or even the ordinal directions.

i think it was changed to not be like that. that was probably why the epicenter badge was deleted once

No the badge was deleted because of an exploitable bug that made it way too easy to find.

Wiping the badge after adding a change that would make the Epicenter easier to find consistently would make no sense anyway.

Plans I’ve seen for it are having 4 ships go in the cardinal directions to the insanity 4-5 border before going clockwise to the next until it’s found

I’m pretty sure they thought that the badge was deleted because the epicenter being in one of the cardinal directions was removed, not the other way around.

no, it’s cause people could follow someone’s party marker to get there with little effort

I know, I’m saying what I think buffoon meant

As seen here

Damn, unintentionally spread misinformation.

Honestly never been to the Epicenter, that’s just something I’d heard ingame before. My bad.

one of the new rare spells are one of calvus’ moves

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THE SWORDS, THE SWOOOOOORRRRDDSSSSSSS!!!1!1!! ( complete sentence)

I really hope it’s the 500! 500! 500! Explosion

those homing sworb things would be really nice to have

these are, what I think, are the best contenders for what the new spell is based on it being in calvus’ skill set
“looks like his blast move but its not”:

“500! 500! 500!”:


i doubt reign is the one cuz it just seems like a powerful place explosion but we’ll just have to wait and see

Sorry who named it Reign :skull:

Galaga knows how to make spells and techniques? I never heard about that before, maybe he’s gonna help Vetex develop abilities from now on? That sounds good since Vetex finds that work boring apparently.

Also, the trello just updated but I can’t find what changed.


idk thats what the wiki says
idek if the moves have official names or not

They don’t, the wiki just makes them up. Personally I think they should just be called what they do.

This card looks different from how it was when I last checked it, but maybe it’s been like that for a long time now?

if thats the case then they should use the names i gave em trust me they are WAY better (/j)