Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

If the new spell truly is going to be one of Calvus’ moves… I AM ECSTATIC! Ever since seeing calvus’ spell loadout ive been hype to get any of his spells…

the Calvus cosplays… they are growing stronger…

Part of me speculates that Galaga was the one who did the Rare Spell and Technique scrolls that got released on accident when v1.16.6 dropped.

I would assume so

Oh I was right, the Dark Sea card was the one that changed

Yeah, cause Vetex wrote nothing on the new spells and techniques on the trello. He would normally write something if he started working on it. (At least, I remember it was never mentioned)

Makes sense if someone else worked on it

vetex is COOKING

Trello holy shit

The amount of shit planned for the Dark Sea is crazy, Dragonblood Ritual? Draconic Species? Atlantean Sirens and the Siren Queen?


I am most excited in the far future for the dark sky, the SIRENS (Because after doing the queens quest… You could loot them for free) Dark sea diving… And the far reaches revamp concepts (Which I will NEVER go to, theyre scary… But maybe its worth it!)

dragon blood ritual (i hope itll be possible to get different buffs from different mutations of dragon)

People in the war seas watching some mf by some miracle come back from the dark seas with a harem of sirens:

I know this is all in the very far future, but I cannot wait! I mean, at that level- We’ll be able to KILL nightmarish atlanteans fairly… Very hopeful stuff

Cant wait for “Golden Dark Sky Sky Pumpkins”… And make some of the most titanically sized meals ever tho

I’m so glad vetex has decided to start publishing more of the crazy and far out planned concepts cause I haven’t felt this excited for the game since the early stages of WoM when Magius was being developed


ima say it again dragons cant wait for them

Also, did Vetex just mention a “Fleet System”? That sounds new… but maybe I missed something lol

Looks like Skyhall might be where we unlock this since we’ll likely be able to buy Skyships there and not just rent one. I guess that answers the question of how we’ll keep our Skyships after we buy one and continue to traverse the sea

May as well call Vetex Papa Louie, because I feel like I’m going to keep coming back to read the same card for a few days straight right now.

Having a Siren crew sounds incredible, although I can already see those artists having fun with it. Now that I think about it, if there is a Siren queen and Sirens can leave the Dark Sea, why doesn’t she try to invade the Sea Clusters? Is she more peaceful than normal Sirens, and if so, why?

@PinkButterflyGaming Fleets were mentioned in the summarized patch notes on the Roblox Devforum.

fleet system was in his dev fourm post