Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I DM’ed Tech about it, he said it was Octavius just to confirm, my crack theory rn

Octavius died to Prince of Thorne, but after that when the war was still happening, the Experimental Curse landed on his fresh corpse, and scared off the Thorne Empire even with Ravenna generals dead, later turned into the tornado until he gets added in game

tfw the leviathan is just some human and not an actual sea monster :frpensive:

we’ve known that for months

tbf we’re getting full on dragons and animalistic atlanteans

I honestly like this because the Leviathan being a small sea monster does a disservice to leviathans. It’s more interesting for it to be a person who people think is a sea monster.

we do???

Can’t wait to see dragons cut my frames in half

this is recent, but i’m pretty sure we’ve known for longer

yeah good enough for me ig, the siren stuffs look interesting tho

guess this kinda comfirms they can live outside of ds too… wonder why they decide to stay in there then ( maybe just racism, who know )

But the trello card says he was dead for a while before being resurrected, to the point his mind was empty. We’re already getting lore inconsistencies and this was only JUST dropped :sob:

they hoard treasure and dark sea has the best treasure

It’s very illegal and immoral to eat people

well it was just my crack theory, but Thorne Empire and their goons had to get scared off at some point

god forbids woman has any hobbies smh

dragons are coming at the end of nimbus sea holy shit

Man I’m stupid, I somehow immediately forgot that the rest of your message was a theory and not official :sob:
My bad

what if the curse is a soul curse or something, and that’s why it’s able to revive dead bodies it falls on

could be that, could be we already heard of it and Vetex just doesnt want us to know which one specifically

cant wait for them % of max HP dmg