Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Damn, no more pink plasma :pensive:

Oh I remember fighting a plasma conjurer and being confused why it was so pink. ā€œI get iron weapons are white but would it affect the red that much?ā€

i remember axel bringing something up about colour earlier, so this is what he meant

Gold golem?

So like

Are siren rocks justā€¦ pit stops? free 3 chests?

Siren crew might be S tier

Just kill a few sirens, do a quest, and boom free chests from every siren rock you find

Siren rocks before:

Siren rocks now:

Friendship ended with invisible potions, sirens are my new best freind

this honestly might be a really great change since all these new additions to atlanteans might make island exploration harder so having a quick and easy way to get chests fast from what are basically resting areas would be really helpful

Iā€™m willing to bet that you only get the benefit of being allowed to pass freely through Siren territory so long as the Siren crew is on your ship.

And Iā€™m also willing to bet the Siren crew provides no other benefits besides this, no ship stat buffs, nada. Why? Because theyā€™re bird women, why in Hadesā€™ name would they know how to crew a ship?

Still really cool, though. Having Sirens as homies is definitely a big flex.

ā€¦it actually would kinda make sense if they give more specialized buffs like cannon range or the effectiveness of specific deckhands professions (like navigator getting a speedboost since bird people probably know how to make the skies work in their favor)

I could imagine them, more realistically, probably be giving a lot of resillience, which could be really helpful.

(resillience is the stat that prevents your boat from slowing down when strong winds are present)


also, this implies that sirens CAN survive in the sea clusters

which means that my idea of a siren OC who uses her voice to become an 18th century popstar would actually theoretically be possible

Iā€™d forgotten you mentioned that. Yeah, could be cool to see, I dunno, like a little community of Sirens in the War Seas.

Now that I think of itā€¦ Wouldnā€™t they be perfectly suited for living on Sky Islands?

Sirens out here choosing one of the worst places to live

dont feel like the magic supremacists is gonna welcome them, considering none of them seems particularly excel at magic ( all they ever use are standard spells )

Iā€™ve had a few Sirens use Ult Blasts on me before, dunno if thatā€™s really standard by the Arcane Universeā€™s scale or not. Even had one earlier today that used both Light and Wind.

Like, are all the Mages up there absolute magical beefcakes that all know how to use 5 magics like itā€™s nothing or what?

ā€¦they have ult??

wait which range were you in, furtherest ive went and back is like 3rd

For all we know they could be relatively average when it comes to magic and still think theyā€™re better than everyone else

This was in Insanity 1. Iā€™d been peeking from around a rock to get them to attack me one at a time, and the second one I aggroed alternated between using Wind and Light spells on me.

And as for ults, almost all the ones I fight that use magic can summon up Ults. Or at least, I think theyā€™re Ult Blasts. Ult Blasts are the ones that summon 5 magic circles in a sort of X pattern, right?