Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I can’t imagine meat riding a guy who’s canonically dead this hard :sob:

…I don’t get why that would happen

Leviathan, the new-age Kraken

in the og myth anyone who hears siren’s song will try to swim toward them and drown ( dunno if woman and gay/ace/people not attract to woman are affected but some quick gg search say they do so :woman_shrugging: )

they promise whatever your heart desires most, it isn’t limited to “oo pretty girl”

There’s options here then:

-We can make a parody of modern culture and the siren song that attracts people (usually exclusively played on land) causes the crowd to go wild and try to reach out to the siren onstage (this sounds funny but this actually happens a lot at kpop concerts lmfao)

-the siren OC can just “toggle” when they want their song to be on lethal mode or if it’s just on singing mode without any weird side effects (changing frequencies in their voice from training and practice)

i mean, so far in AO we dont see Sirens being capable of that

they do sing sure, but we dont get magically pulled toward them or anything

…ofc, its possible that they were just singing for fun and we came over and murdered and robbed them

I know the MC is “special” and all but considering how our player character literally doesn’t give a shit about the song and how our crew members have zero reactions to the song as well I think it’s a safe bet to assume that sirens boast the capability to just sing for funsies on occassion

Or it’s because stripping agency away from players and magnetizing them to siren rocks would annoy people

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When can we get super buff oiled up guy Sirens

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they were just expressing joy and wonders with their sisters and we killed them…

you’re not oleg bro don’t even try

nah, all sirens are girls

when can we get super buff girl Siren tho?

I actually don’t kill them

they’re so weak damage wise that it’s way more viable to just storm their nest and loot all the sealeds

but i want to murder :frowning:

jokes aside thats a viable strat tbh, i usually ambush and pick them off one by one tho

but the siren outfit is so good…
and the bow is also good…
if only they could just give them to me without having to kill them ;-;

Convert to Siren fr…

reject humanity
evolve to siren

maybe with the siren quest done we would be able to trade/buy stuffs from them

siren queen alliance quest grah