Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Where, then, shall my money be kept safe while fighting yet another group of gankers in Sameria?

So yeah, there’s prolly gonna be Banker NPCs, or something similar, added to the game.

Vetex avoiding qol like it’s the plague

Vetex said that it basically made dying a non issue and that was posted somewhere in here iirc

simply buy food once you have over 1000 galleons
uncooked food sells for the same amount as you buy it at, so it’s a decent banking solution
(but you shouldn’t forget about your foodbank, otherwise you’ll literally be eating money)


Yeah, and that was kinda the whole point of stashing money in the Clan Bank.

So when you inevitably encounter gankers, you don’t have to worry as much about losing big chunks of your cash.

dying is barely an issue in the first place, literally just sell sails anytime you need money

It sells for the same amount? Actually?

That could work, yeah.

considering this change I think it was clear he was inevitably going to do this

last time I checked, yeah

you could also just buy up all the gems from the gem seller guy at sameria, since that’s a bit more money at once, but slightly inconvenient since it’s the only gem seller in the game so far

I still think a dedicated bank of some sort would make a whole lot of sense, but if there are alternative options, fair enough.

I really don’t think we need a new bank thing at all. If you really need to buy something, inventory clutter will be able to save you. You carry like at least 2k+ worth of gear in your stuff you find. If you ever need to buy something just sell.

More worried about trading than I am about buying stuff from npcs.

Large enough chunks of Galleons can ply the reagents and catalysts I might need from the most stubborn of traders, usually.

Like sure, when I die, I don’t lose that many Galleons, but it’s still pretty damn inconvenient.

Just trade items instead? Who even uses galleons in trading.

those traders must be awful then

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I do. Like I just said.

When you’re opening Dark Sealeds on the regular, you’re usually pretty flush with Galleons, so I just throw them at people a few times and see which ones give in and sell me what I want. Whatever money I have left I stash in the Bank.

What I’m hoping is that clan building will basically let you farm enough reagents to cover building costs + make a profit (I hate getting galleons right now)

Mass grow thornflower

I said it in another thread, I’m hoping that Fleets do the same thing eventually, with the Trading Order or whatever it was called.

So like is there gonna be any benefit to doing this outside of renown? Cause like if you’re not interested in the renown then the clan building stuff is just a simulator game, earning money to buy more things to earn money faster to buy things to make money even faster with nothing to spend it on outside of things that make you money faster.

It’s weird to describe, but it’s like Vetex keeps flip-flopping between wanting death to mean something and having death be little more than a 7-second cutscene. Sure, it means something early on when you have about as many galleons as there are people with Scurvy in the world, but sometime soon in the story the player won’t have to worry about money at all. Galleons mean absolutely nothing once you get around 5,000 of them, unless you’re something like a new boat, disenchants, armor upgrades, or ship repairs. Even then, you’ll probably find higher-level armor in chests anyway.

I also feel like people are overly worried about losing their Galleons. Honey, you lose 350 at most if you bite the dust, you can make that back with ease if you just open some chests and sell what’s in them. You probably already do that to begin with, so there’s nothing to worry about from a practical standpoint. Maybe new files when the story is more complete will actually have a reason to worry about it (since there’s going to be a lot of ship types becoming available at prices way higher than what the player will reasonably have).

tl;dr Death has yet to mean anything at all and players are overly worried about the one thing it does, which is taking some of a currency obtained in high numbers far too easily/quickly.