Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

To my understanding, no. This is because Luck IV+ previously guaranteed an Exotic Scroll or Technique Scroll or Vindicator each sealed chest opened. The NEW Tier 4 Luck guarantees a second drop.

Meaning with the chance of obtaining an exotic scroll is at 33.3% the new luck IV will add a second drop, also add 33.3%.

With 13 Exotic scrolls, 6 Technique scrolls and a Vindicator for some reason, the old chance of obtaining an exotic scroll was 65% (Might be wrong since I’m horrible at math).

While two 33.3% drops are in theory 66.6%, remember they don’t stack so it’s still less than the 65% chance of the old Luck IV with DSC.


We boutta start a communist revolution

1% of traders control 30% of the galleons

why does this keep happening in patch notes…
-previous update release
-bug fix
-nerf stuff that’s alr bad
-nerf or buff luck (usually both)
-big pause
-the actual update stuff
-bug fixes

I think the “big pause” is more of a planning session and discussion over how things will be implemented. Also a chance for vetex to get a nice break

Pretty sure a lot of it is just him working on the features cause they aren’t posted til they’re done usually.

pretty much every indie game ever

I assume its planning and getting the dull baseline stuff in place

I kinda missed on a lot of stuff here but I do briefly remember someone saying that when 1.16.6 dropped, Vetex accidentally forgot to remove the new technique scrolls that he hasn’t finished making, one of which was Blitz.

yeah, but I don’t think anyone here caught the new spell scroll

Random destructible pond is random

and destructible

Good Heavens, Billy! Did you nuke that dodgy pond in the middle of nowhere again?


Knew that would happen eventually. With construction comes a need for construction supplies.

And for that, ya need munnie.

would this also apply to the gnavy and asssyndicate banks? I would think so but they function a little different

Capitalism gaming :fire::fire:

Willing to bet a new Banker NPC will be added to the game soon, to replace the functionality of Clan Banks.

Nah he said that he didn’t add bankers back for a reason iirc