Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Hmm… thats pretty close…

what :sob:
People really want to repeat the Reminder for AO fate?

54% of the forums have no sense of archival and organization purpose :sob:

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For those who does’nt know:
Reminder for AO was basicly similar to this thread, but as the threads started reaching max, everyone just decided to keep RFAO as purely trello and dev updates patch thread.

So i see people just want it back which is uhh…why? Just make a new thread for every update…

besides, its so much less bloated if we shift threads and easier to archive. There’s practically no downside and a few notable upsides if we do.

Ngl, Im contemplating disregarding democracy… :joy:

im reporting you to my democracy officer for this one…

(please disregard democracy :pray:)

my reasoning for voting the first is coz it just feels like making a new one would be pointless, just have an adjacent discussion thread with the reminders for AO. It would also make searching for a message easier coz you’ll know its in one thread, and wouldn’t have to search multiple threads. Especially in a case like this where “Mistral Update Discussion Thread” has bled over into clans or whatever the current update is for a few weeks now.
Then again the vote was really close, 54-46. I feel if we do things one way half the people who voted still wont be happy

Yeah, thats why I havent really made a full decision and havent changed the title yet even though we are kinda into the new update now.

Maybe it was a stupid decision for me to make that poll, Im not a decisive person lmao. The closeness of the results arent helping that

Maybe ask the people ‘in charge’ of Reminder for AO for their wisdom, like cryonical

@system What do we think?
(Also cryo’s said that he doesn’t want anything to do with the discussion thread iirc)

Should we nuke this thread for a new one

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy, try again

Say yes or else
@discobot fortune

@discobot fortune

Yes or no?

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely


See, nuke it now

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot fortune
Should we create a new thread?