Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

it just kind of makes sense
you need spirit energy to manipulate spirit energy so it makes sense that you need at least one to imbue

So now that the weapon related stuff is getting cool features, when are we getting weapon build exclusive armor? If heā€™s adding the ability to put other weapon abilities onto other ones then it would make sense that the same build paths should also have their own armors?

Personally, if weā€™re doing the theme of putting stuff on other things then maybe we could get the ability to enhance and rework the modifiers on our own armor, but at the cost it being only usable for the weapon guys. It would be so goated.

Kinda like blacksmithing in a way

warrior is supposed to be a mixup route where you change your weapons quite frequently
so if you make warrior armour, it will have to stay the same type, so you will basically be locked into one specific type of weapons unless you want to equip other weapons and farm for those pieces all over again
not even to mention that vetex would need to make so many stat variations for weapons that having to add it would be both impractical and would take away from the class as a whole

with spirit weapons it kind of makes sense, thereā€™s one type of armour for each aspect of spirit weapons (the regen+ defense for offense, regen + defense for defensive, and regen + intensity for support).
Weapons donā€™t really have this though, since it only has 2 main aspects, which is offense(nearly everything) and defense (shields). you could probably divide the offensive aspect into short range, medium range and long range, but only long range has a specific stat which it works really well with (attack speed)

The warrior exclusive armor idea that I proposed gains its stats and exclusivity from the fact that its modifiers can be upgraded and changed around at will and not from the weapon that the player uses, just a small correction from me.

But to add on to what I said before maybe there could be some warrior exclusive rare-tier modifiers that could maybe give warrior its identity. Thereā€™s barely any of them around anyways might as well throw some new ones in there.

idk, I feel like the fact that you can already upgrade certain aspects of your weapons with enchantments is already a pretty unique thing

ah I wish this was true

You make a good point but I still think the warrior armor modifier thing would still be cool. Also the last sentence was referring to the modifiers that we have in game for clarification purposes.

As you stated, you canā€™t really make vitality purely support since all build types need to be able to reasonably beat the game solo, especially in the case of pure classes.

However, giving vitality both offense, defense, and support skills is a rather big gamble seeing as how shoddy AOā€™s balancing can be at times.

technically weapons have both defense and offense
and magic has support (kind of (aura)) and offense and kind of defense (resistance aura)
and fighting styles also have support(kind of (aura equivalent, idk I donā€™t use fighting styles))offense, and defense (in the form of boxing or resistance aura equivalent)

tbh, I donā€™t think the balancing of those support or defensive skills would be too big of an issue, probably just change a couple of numbers like a week after release and it should be alright
also since spirit energy doesnā€™t seem to have variants, vetex would just have to change the values of the specific moves or adjust the stats of the weapons themselves, all of which seem pretty easy to do

Like someone else said earlier ekrix uses spirit energy without the weapon, even if that werenā€™t the case its almost confirmed at this point that the mc is the descendant of a God so they would be able to manipulate it without a weapon.

iā€™m guessing vitality will be similar to weapon.

in weapon you get defense via equiping a shield

so iā€™m guessing vitality weapons will either be offensive, defensive or support.

(also question vit weapons you will have to equip like normal weapons? if yes then ig they share the weapon slots? so uh, wouldnā€™t vit/wep build kinda suck?)

I donā€™t understand why we need spirit weapons as a warden + godā€™s descendant, if those weapons were created for normal humans who cannot use spirit energy without them?

Or why cannot we just create our own spirit weapon if we have the powers that gods had to create those weapons for their followers?

Plot twist: Gods were able to manipulate spirit energy, but were unable to use it for harmful purposes without conducting this energy in the physical object. And the only difference between people and gods is the ability to do ekrix and create these weapons.

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i have nothing against skyhall James is just a bit too nice rn (it was insanely easy to be a complete villain in WoM)

kinda important question, will I be able to have a negative alignment with a town or kingdom if I have positive rep? or wil i have to just settle for being neutral rep to be able to commit atrocities against one town and carry out humanitarian work at another?

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I think you can
you can still get negative quests with positive rep, so Iā€™d think that it would also work with town alignment

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New feature: if you have max positive renown with one town and max negative renown with another, this automatically start a feud between the two towns.

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Ravenna kingdom alignment should drop a lot after beating Calvus and then go back up eventually when Neviro negotiates with Revon. After that point you can go to Ravenna without a disguise.


That, or what I figured was that as a sort of middle ground between God and man the mc only has a pretty limited control over spirit energy and is relegated to only being able to do a few things like ekrix and spirit imbuement.

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Sounds similiar to curse inheritance. But instead of curseā€™s powers - control over spirit energy.


Max Positive Ravenna and Max Negative Karexa
We are making Cassia Town 2.0