Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

but this time it’s the whole of ravenna!

nah max positive/negative Ravenna and max negative/positive Thorne

lets truly make another Siege of Cassia

Update hasn’t came out yet, but people already discuss how they will commit warcrimes using its features, lol.

that’s basically what the game is about, yes

My face after instigating wars for my own entertainment:


Tbh, thats how I interpret the “Legacy” stuff as well. It sounds similar to how Curse Inheritance works.

Also, the old desc for the New Greek (where some of them were also legacies) were described to have strangely colored eyes, which sound similar to how people with Curse Inheritance have unique eye colors based on the Curse they inherited.

So my hc for now is that Legacies have unique eye colors based off which god theyre related to. Kinda like in Percy Jackson lol

Curse inheritance allows people to use atleast fraction of curse’s powers. What do we get from being legacy? Only spirit energy half-manipulation or we are going to get some specific buffs during storyline?

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We definitely have increased magic power because that is the only way to explain how we defeated all the bosses except Shura and Iris, and we may have a greater ability to manipulate spirit energy than the average person.


  • Increased durability, speed, and agility
  • Healing faster and sustaining less physical damage
  • Powerful energy sensing like Rill Hendrix
  • Increased resistence to insanity
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you can yeah, at least it was planned

instead of giving gifts and praises npcs will instead cowers before you and give tributes lol

honestly I’d love to see the normal reputation system as we know it die the second kingdom alignment is released in place of separated reputation between towns, kingdoms, and other factions.


god bloodline mean this is most certainly checked

we fought calvus after a month of severe overworked and malnutrition, probably throw increased stamina/faster stamina regen and… slower(?) metabolism in there too ( theres also the fact that we healed relatively quickly after fighting calvus and argos ig, and not dying getting rammed at by a curse user )

we’re supposed to unlock sensing at like lv50, so maybe?

no comment yet but i can see that being a case ( strongest WILL of all legacies )


Yeah this one was more so a reasonable idea than anything I have evidence for. Although, it does seem strange that we can literally go to the Epicenter and back without going completely insane, because I don’t think the average person could do that, even with good warding potions.

probably not canon since the only time we canonically went into dark sea is for enizor’s quests, which can be completed by simply doing the first range

yep and vetex said that in lore, nobody really goes into the dark sea (I think?)

My theory is that being affected by insanity is similar to when you’re drunk; everything feels like a blur and you can’t remember much of it afterwards
Warding potions don’t help with your memory, they just keep your body calm while under the effects of insanity.

I think this because the description for Rackham’s Journal (reward for akursius quest) mentions how you don’t remember how it appeared in your possession, even if you entered akursius with warding


You sail into the fog, and then you suddenly appear outside of the fog once more. The sun has has begun to set, even though it was just starting to rise when you entered. There’s no way of telling wether this sunset takes place on the same day, or maybe a week after entering. Your ship seems slightly damaged, and there are puddles of dirty water all around the deck. Looking across the deck you also notice around fifteen purple sealed chests, overgrown with moss. How those got there, you don’t know. You decide to do a headcount. You’re missing 3 people, and nobody else knows where they’ve gone. You decide to sit down on your chair inside, and you finally notice how tired you’re are; all of your energy has drained, as if you’ve just spent days staying awake. You try to recall what happened after entering the fog, but all you can remember are foggy visions of an endless, rough sea, occasionally being brightly illuminated by unnatural lightning. It feels like you’ve just waken up from a dream- no, a nightmare.


In this case I would recommend navigating by lvls. If atlanteans are around our lvl, then we canonicaly could have visited that place.

Legendary atlanteans are around 600-800 lvl, thats around our endgame’s lvl. So we are probably not suppossed to visit 6th range until 6 sea. At this point we will find Epicenter at around 5th or 6th sea.

(I count insanity-less range too, thats why I am saying 6 instead of 5, if someone wonders)


It seems our increased durability might be directly tied to our Spirit Energy inheritance from the Gods. As high vitality is implied to be related to Spirit Energy itself based off the Vitality stat description.

So the healing factor and dirability might be related to the Spirit Energy they have as a Legacy. Since they have the ability to use Spirit Energy for attacks without Spirit Weaps for a certain extant, they would naturally have more energy than the others.

Maybe it might also be the cause for the increased resistance to Insanity, if thats a canonical thing…

But again, MC might be built different with the mental stuff, as theyre the strongest willed of ALL legacies, which means even amongst the other legacies, this guy’s the toughest, at least mentally.

Though, thats not to ignore the other side of it too, Gods were also created by Chaos, so Legacies are probs almost guaranteed to become Mages. They might have more Magic Energy than usual.

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i’m looking at the patch notes and the fact that chapter 7 only has 9 parts makes me concerned about more disappointment coming from the fanbase due to how short the update is, I’m hoping to high heaven that spirit weapons coming out will help shake up the game if they even make it into this update at all


Yet more designs by JTN