Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I dont want to sound like a grumpy grandpa, but the fact that it took so long to rename to lore accurate name, kinda shows that spirit weapons were never even thought out mostly.
I bet the only reason our first mention of CORE FEATURE OF 1 OUT OF 4 MAIN ROUTES is all the way in the Nimbus Sea, is cause vetex was like:

guh, oh yeah, spirit weapons were never mentioned…Uhhh…lets add the lore here and here…and uhh…oh yeah, Oracle, sounds cool.


Like, how the hell can you not mention core feature of 1 out of 4 routes untill the 2nd sea :sob:
Is vitality a special child, where “special” is “specially abled”


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, vetex is doing everything in his power to push off the development of spirit weapons

i heard from somewhere, that Vetex forgot about spirit weapons on initial release, that why we did’nt get s.weapons, but it might be just rumors

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Frankly, I have no clue why vitality/weapon was called knight

or maybe spirit weapons are just so rare that like 5 people in the entirety of the bronze sea know about them, but simply don’t feel like talking about them because they’re busy doing other things

they would be way more known in Sameria of course, since one of the high ranking military people uses one as their main way of fighting.
if, for example, Argos also used spirit weapons, basically everyone who knows about the bronze legion would also know about spirit weapons

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“I think I’ll add the weapon customization first, it’ll be quick and easy, and spirit weapons will use it as well so I’ll save time otherwise spent making them support this system later on”

I’m so mad
Punching air
He’s working on spirit weapons next shut up!!! God!!
this isn’t specific to the person I’m replying to either

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it also only took like 3 days to add, so it really wasn’t that bad either

Even Warden Oracle NPC yapped about epicenter more then about his own s.weapon :sob:

average thermozerker revisiting the game after half a year trying to fight anything

I don’t see the reasons for Oracle to be support class. In my opinion it is just recolored sacrifice magic, but: more global (more mechanics), cool, ancient and lorewise interesting.

From almost 4 years of gameplay back in WoM + AO, I would say that the idea of support class sounds unfitting. Any class can be used for support, healing gels, microwaves and etc.

Besides, Ghosts in the Dark Sea were afraid of spirit weapon’s users which means that they are probably not just big pieces of meat or portable healing station.

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having support skills doesn’t just mean supporting others, they’ll likely be self support too like how aura and focus are, making it more defence oriented while warriors are offence oriented, a good parallel like magic and strength


I wish it was called Exorcist but that sounds too cool for AO (Everything has to be lame)

exorcist doesn’t fit that well though, since it’s all about like making spirits go away from people and places, while the class is about using spirits and spirit energy to do a variety of things which also includes hurting the spirit of other people
besides, oracle fits better with the whole ancient artefact vibe and it works better with the greek gods as well


skill notes gonna be the new trade currency
more like bank notes lol

that reminds of arrows being used as a substitute to crowns in wom

watch people start running sunken scams w/ skill-less weapons

oh no…
that can’t be good

the old trade currency was gems btw
I used them for everything cuz I passively pick them up and don’t have good jewelcrafting skill lol

paladin gets the staff spirit weapon
knight gets (whatever the one you hit people with) spirit weapon
juggernaut gets bracelet spirit weapon
oracle gets da best spirit weapon

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nah, I think that spirit weapon type decides its skills
like a staff would use offensive moves, while a tome would be used for buffs and a bracelet could be for defense