Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Walter White’s bronze flintlock” (he’s a conjurer that uses crystal blue varitaion)
meth gun :smiley:

yea cause that’s a name

Hopefully it will actually be viable since that’s been something I’ve looked forward to unlocking

it’ll probably be pretty strong with 2 amount especially after the buffs it got last update

You dealt: 160 damage
Enemy dealt: 5 thrown daggers and poison DOT (all while you was casting)
Kamehameha GIFs | GIFDB.com

that’s the damage of a normal 100% beam
ult art has higher damage multipliers and size multipliers
and you can get a bit more damage by using double beam and changing it to 20%

%10 Size ult double beam Vs. Heavy magic imbued piercing shot

ultimate art beam?!
kamehameha update

Just checking, this weapon change will let us have four skills right? Or are we still going to be locked to 2 skills on weapons that originally only had two skills? (And same for weapons with three skills)

probably depends on the weapon quality
like old weapons would still only have 2 skills

Each now has some specific value locked behind it, and it just changes depending on level.


old weapon is level 0 weapon, and iron is level 50. Same skill, lets say flashing strike, by default costs 20 (old katana). So to calculate its level, you just do this:
Level-Of-The-Weapon x 2 + Skill-Cost

In old weapon case: 0 x 2 + 20 = 20
in iron weapon case : 50 x 2 + 20 = 100 + 20 = 120 (tho its 100, i suppose ‘level 50’ weapons are calculated as level 40 weapons) 40 x 2 + 20 = 80 + 20 = 100


So you cant just unarm vindicator, and put old-greathammer’s skills into it, to use it as vanity option for savant. Cause skill cost will be increased along with it.

I’m so going to put whirlwind or flying slash on my sunken sword on my savant slot

not sure if it will work…cause you know…they will increase in requierments

whirlwind should be fine, since it’s literally one of the most basic attacks
not too sure about flying slash tho

yeah, but just like i explained, even if it a basic skill, on higher tier weapon it will cost accordingly.

I have enough stats to use it tho

I mean, it’ll just cost the same as whatever the current first/second skill of sunken sword needs for a weapon (probably)

10 levels and strength hybrids get airstep

they also get selino amount, flying Phoenix on sunken, and warlocks can have selino + javelin once again

tbf flying phoenix might not be usable by level 150 based on what its skill requirement is, the skill requirement might be 90 base plus 100 from sunken sword (assuming 90 for parity)