Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

its snare but better

the code for ult of all spells and techniques should arealdy be there, just unaccessable

if you’re wondering, yes the effects for higher tiers are there too, all the way to the highest ( whatever it is )

what if the order of aesir’s experiments were based around the thousands of gallons worth of zeus “manmilk” which they used to grow homunculi in special artificial eggs

the player, tucker, and morden were batch #1483 and they were the least defective

they managed to escape somehow maybe one of the abominations that were failed zeus babies tried breaching and everyone else tried to escape with it

the spirit weapon the player got was actually stolen from the order’s artifact chamber

We got to see a bit of this back when vetex was first working on magic visuals, such as acid potentially having these “spirals” at higher tiers

there’s even more effects for later tiers??? wonder what those look like :thinking:

this is very cool but it got disprove by the simple phrase of “this item is so important mc remember it somehow even after losing their memory”

the other parts can still be true, tho :eyes:

the way your brain works is scary.

I concur.

yeah there even were higher tiers in wom. When it was uncapped it was discovered all the spells (flight too) were programmed already and had ult arts and higher tier effects

I’m an explosion conjurer.

thanks bud :money_mouth_face:

In case you didn’t know the update schedule changed

the lore master predicting the lore with unironically no information about the story

that one doesent count smh he had depression alongside other issues in real life, issues which are probably larger than catering to some kids addicted to a Lego game.


It was kinda the most predictable thing for me at the time tbh. I mean, the first thing we learned abt the the revamp is that AO will be on the other side of the world, where Mt Olympus fell, so my first instinct went “Ooh, could we play a descendant of a God?”, since our character was so close to Olympus. I went with Zeus cause you know
 “King of the Gods”

I needed a reason why the MC would be important in the story. When Tech said MC would be stronger, I mentioned the descendant thing, and then Tech said that weird remark.

I completely forgot about this headcanon until I searched up my old messages, so the reveal of MC possibly being a god descendant didnt excite me as much as it shouldve LOL

Woahhh, sick :fire:
Someone’s cooking


one of the comments already said “Ultimate Art: BLUE BALLS!!”

why does it have dots at the end when the description literally is only that

its beautiful

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the blue plasma we never got

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Silence filthy magic user! Ékrixi TheĂŻkoĂș PnĂ©vmatos!