Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I am sure that there are testers among balance team which are actually working on it in the testing place rn.

vetex has 8 days to release this update for it to count as monthly

honestly I think a 2 month update cycle would be better for everyone involved? dunno


8 days
2 more spirit weapon
Paladin’s awakening rework

Nobody ever cares about Savant’s awakening rework?

they probably aren’t getting one, they already have second magic or second fs and get imbuements second awakening

What rework? All that there is to add is spirit imbues, and they aren’t getting those until the second awakening.

next bunch of patch notes:
paladin awakening rework
savant awakening moves imbues to the first awk, and adds spirit imbues
oracles get something, idk

Yeah, no need. This one tier 1 blast is enough for now.

Imagine walking around with reduced damage until 250 lvl.

savants have access to at least tier 3

I am talking about second magic/fs.

i may be stupid

This fact is the most annyoing. Our first awakening litteraly gives us nothing, since second magic will become playable only after 200+ lvl. And we are debuffed until almost half of the game is done (assuming that 600 lvl is the cap and our second awakening is at the around 250 lvl)

Its not like the damage reduction is too high, its just feels strange.

Your fault for choosing savant

Imma be real with yall…When 2nd awakenig comes out, noone is playing anything but weapon savant.

2nd Awakening savant is just going to become sailord 2.0

How savants feel when they imbue Eagle Patrinomy ; Iron Leg and Ice onto sunken sword, getting +90% attack each 5 seconds


Oh my god please wreck the meta that would be so funny

Savant is built for statsticking

I feel like when the update comes out, vit builds are either gonna be meta or totally trash

Not fault, its my win. I litteraly just need to wait some years until shit becomes a bar of gold.

Problem is that class shouldn’t really be shit at the first half of the game and meta at the second half of the game. (Currently I am talking about vitality savant)