Mixing Animations Packs

Mixing Animations Packs https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/1/2/1294dd4ba6fe8d1feccace8c31ece5dde8ab887f.png
effort 5.0 2 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 4.5 2


My simple proposal would be us being able to mix and mash animations pack, considering the how expensive they are (they really aren’t), I feel like we should be able to mix the animations if we own more than one.

Details/background on your proposal

The picture above is only a concept I have made, it is not the best one per say but this should be enough.

Reason to add/change

Well… My reasons to add this is pretty much to look cooler in AO, this kinda sounds unprofessional but I think being able to mix and mash animations packs would be very cool in term of design.


Yeah I don’t see why this shouldn’t be a thing unless it causes issues with the animations.

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this is in ar right

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very good idea, i don’t like how sometimes the boss idle ruins my character if they have boxing gloves

i like this, i’ve always wanted the cute animation’s charge but dislike how the idle looks on my character, so i’ve just had to stick to the boss pack

been suggested before and it was apparently way too much work for what its worth
but i still want that so idc


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