Mobile Commenting

This never used to happen, and only seems to happen on this website now.

When I comment or type anything up, including this post, it doesnt move out of the way of the keyboard. This makes it so I can not see what I type unless I close the keyboard. Not sure why this happens now

Did you accidentally set the site to desktop format on your device? If you did, try opening the sidebar and clicking on the mobile option and see if that fixes it

(If it shows a computer instead of a phone then you’re still in mobile mode and I’m not sure why it’s happening)

It is showing a computer so i think im on the mobile version

I could not replicate this, what phone and browser are you using.

scroll up slightly

happens to me on android, i just scroll up and the post box goes fullscreen

Samsung galaxy s10+
Opera GX

Cant scroll up, i scroll up the page but the commenting box stays under the keyboard

Only thing occurs with me

I suppose i should have sent that sooner
Though also oddly enough, while Ive had this issue for weeks, sending that suddenly fixed it, if not at least for this reply

You can also make the website into a app if you add it as a bookmark to your homepage.