Moderator TELEPORTS away while being hunted?

I just watched this clip of my friend trying to hunt a moderator, and the mod presumably just disappears even with my friend having bugged revealing… a little interesting


changed clip to yt vid

I don’t understand why this is even part of the game to be honest

It doesn’t look like any of the hits to reestablish combat tag landed, so could they have just reset? That wouldn’t come with a fame loss or gain to either party, only some dropped galleons. It’d explain why the sensing circle disappeared as well.


i thought the same thing but no death message + no galleon bag in sight is a little suspicious
still, this is a plausible answer

bug abuse easy ban

powerful asf musket gunshot at 50 seconds

do not wear headphones

revealing is so buggy that they could have just reset once their combat tag was gone

Least power abusing nepotism Vetex staff:

hi mods dont have the ability to teleport :+1:


me when i have 0 idea on what im talking about

So true :pensive:

me when I make shit up:

Probs just swam their life away

yeah alright thats what the last mod said-

Just in case it wasn’t obvious I didn’t actually think the mod tped I just found it funny

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why did vetex addededs teleportations!!!

it removededs the games immersions!!

probably the only good use of Elysium potions.