Monthly Writing Prompts: August 2023

its not august yet but WHATEVER! consider this an early present. format inspired by @BNTarwarn love u bean

Got prompts for yall. Feel free to tweak these to your liking, and remember to add a link to this post on your story. If you have prompts for September, feel free to suggest them as a reply here


Story and Setting Prompts

A bedtime story set in the Arcane Universe.

A journey to the Epicenter of the Dark Sea.

The grand finals of an epic tournament on Munera Garden.

The darkest corners of Akursius Keep.

Dialogue Prompts

“Bring it on! I’ll give you a fight you won’t forget!”

“Thank goodness you’re okay!”

“You are nothing. Get out of my sight.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Character Prompts

An insane mercenary.

A hermit wizard who returns to society.

A forcefully recruited agent of the Order.


An NPC overhearing a conversation between two players and not understanding their slang or anything of what they’re saying.

“blud just tried to gank me with metal pulsar”
“That damn metamancer, let’s go win our clan war and capture harvest”
“Sorry bro I’m fishing for ss”
“Ah gl man, I’ll go grind cargo for the brig”

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Did da thing :+1:


When I get a chance to write I want to do the bedtime story one with a little twist.