Morden x Iris? Nah, I bring you the newest AO ship

Actually, there is nothing to be horrified or surprised about what you are witnessing, for it is merely an unremarkable vignette of piscine procreation unfolding before your eyes. Herein lies no grand spectacle, no titillating intrigue, but rather the humble enactment of the age-old reproductive imperative. As two fish engage in the intimate exchange of genetic material, let not the viewer’s sensibilities be unduly unsettled by the primal rhythms of nature’s choreography. Rather, consider this scene with a dispassionate eye, recognizing it as a commonplace occurrence in the vast tapestry of existence, devoid of any necessity for discomfort, offense, or astonishment. Amidst the tranquil embrace of their aquatic habitat, these creatures partake in a timeless ritual, their actions dictated not by malice or perversion, but by the immutable laws of biology.

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Untitled design (10)

Why is white eyes enjoying it so much?

When a fish and ocean mammal love together a bit too much.

oh my fucking god hahaha this post is golden

yoshi taking DEVIOUS backshots :scream:

So kids that’s why a Blue Whale has white as it’s secondary skin color.

White eyes giving the most devious backshots in the world

remember that image where Vetex’s looking at a massive fin that reaches to the cloud?




rare sighting of yoshi8me’s dad before he tragically went to get the milk


Look! It’s their child!

Time to hunt…

Alpha White Eyes sighting (real).

I would say to give them some privacy but I don’t think you can make two creatures of that size private

Fish+Fish doesnt equal to reptile

I wonder what the offspring could be…

ok killjoy if you wanna play that game whales are considered mammals

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yo what they doin’ at whispering’s