whats up fellas its me onion again and i dont wanna get suggestor role so im just gonna put this here. MORE CANNONBALLS thats right.
Coconut Cannonballs
you may remember these from like 5 hours ago but this is still a great idea. coconuts suck as an ingredient so why not give them another use. coconut cannonballs would be great for disgusting idiotic poor vermin rats who cant afford normal cannonballs. they would also make a funny bonk noise when you hit someone with them.
Incendiary Cannonballs
so basically they are just cannonballs that do the same amount of damage as maybe heavy cannonballs however they also light the ship on fire, so it takes constant damage and players on the boat get the burning debuff until the fire is extinguished after a few seconds. these would be exclusively from dark sealed chests.
Gas Shells
i think we can all agree arcane odyssey doesnt have near enough war crimes. so i suggest gas shells, a cannonball that explodes into damaging gas where it lands similar to smoke arrows. dont know how this would work on moving boats but thats for vetex to figure out. these would also be exclusively from dark sealed chests.
Big Cannonball
a giant cannonball that can only be fired from the mortar. basically just one giant cannonball that does massive damage and slows their boat. this is pretty stupid but its kinda funny so ADD IT!!! this could be found rarely in chests idk :man_shrug:
Potion Cannonballs
this is definitely my favorite of them all, basically vetex adds a new catalyst called gunpowder er something that allows you to make potion cannonballs. 12 per 2 gunpowder or something idk. these would explode on impact and give the potion effect to any players or ships (if applicable) in its radius. this would be absolutely hilarious.
so um yeah thats it. im not about to log in to the forums for 15 days to get the suggestor role so im just putting my suggestion here. DONT BAN ME!! anyways gimme some feedback thanks fellas.
coconuts should work like cloud skippers were planned to, incredibly high range and speed but low damage (except the damage is incredibly low on account of it being a coconut)