If arcane universe was real world what would be most deadly thing that in game deals almost no dmg?
“return to ren”
Pushing T
Ravenna escape in 2 minutes
charging any heat based magics inside your house
Mainly magma, fire and ash
What about guns?
guns are lethal ingame, have you never been shot by a 133 power bronze rifle?
It does like 100 dmg
Causing extreme amounts of overflowing magic aura
Freedrock’s aura from the latest chapter of arcane adventures webcomic
so you never been shot by it
In question i mean like can 1 shot you or lead to fast death
To be honest, getting ship rammed IRL can actually be life ending. In game, rams deal no DMG to players, but irl it can send you flying into the sea or send debris after you(which can be dangerous if you are unlucky)
Falling off Cirrus Island while you were in the middle of doing something up there.
every magic on fighting style imbuement along with thermofist must hurt like a bitch
Jumping from Cirrus to the base of the Step Stones.
Getting shot by a cannon ball or being roasted alive in a campfire
Magma Aura.
Sure, the user would probably be immune to it, but if you were next to them while they were charging or had an aura spell on, you would melt.
Most harmless thing would be Wind magic as a whole.
not light magic?