Most disliked forumer?

how we love to bully underaged kids

A long time ago I had asked my mother the same thing, but about something different, and I was so confused about how anyone could believe this and not that. She then replied and told me that “You cannot judge those who’ve you’ve not been in their shoes, and lived their life”.

Also you can’t make fun of religion like that, it’s extremely dirsepectful, also you have to keep in mind it’s a theory not absolutely 100% true (maybe theres more scientific proof now than before but eh). I personally do agree with the idea of evolution, though some of my relatives are skeptical, I’m not too sure if somewhere in my religion (islam) its stated how animals adapt and such but if I came to know that it did, I’d instantly stop agreeing with evolution, just goes to show that religion comes first for 99% of people. So respect it.


well i mean like. the guy literally completely denied evolution, he wasn’t “skeptical”

and I’ll try to be more sensitive but honestly I’ll just show you an image of what I mean:

also he claims he took freshman bio but a freshman would know that evolution is at least most likely real :skull:

Fucking Queen :pray:

bro literally :skull:

okay but that can be applied to like really bad people in history:

like just because I was never hitler doesn’t mean I can’t judge him for what he did

Even if he did you still have to be respectful about it. Some people just do not let go of religion at all and you just have to deal with it, it also doesn’t justify bringing it up an entire year later and making fun of him, it should be a debate, not an argument, the way that me and a few other people handled that thread was so poor but I’m wiser now so I kow better.

bro that word is an extreme understatement, my mother and father are really wise and I’m so grateful to have them and have them teach me so much, what she told me in that example is just a droplet in an ocean of wisdom. I’m also really grateful for my siblings and friends they’ve also taught me a lot and given me a lot of wisdom

honestly in retrospect I think he was trolling

you’re bringing up the most extreme example to try to neglect what i said, while yes what hitler did IS absolutely horrific and inexcusable, you still didn’t live his life to know what he was thinking and feeling, while absolutely no trauma or anything can justify at all what hitler did, it would make at least slightly more sense if you were in his place seeing his perspective & thought process

i keep seeing people say this when they see others say stuff they dont agree with or think its very outlandish but its clear they arent “trolling” i honestly think its kinda just belittling and disrespectful but idk say what you wish you have every right to do so

okay maybe that was a bit extreme but that statement just kinda don’t sit right with me and I have a few other examples, but to each our own.

he literally said stuff like “yeah I’m a fabulous water dragon” and stuff, he was definitely having a laugh.

think about it this way (other than cases where what was done was a major crime that brought pain and suffering to many others), you cannot judge those who believe or dont believe the stuff that you dont or do, not only are there cultural differences usually, but you also dont know what theyve experienced in their life and been told to think that way. So many times when you come across hateful people a lot of them were fed constant propaganda either as a kid or an adult and that was the norm for them, and usually had minimal interaction to people who thought otherwise. You must not be too quick to judge because thats just how it works.

In conclusion: what your “normal” is, isn’t the same “normal” to everybody else.

with all due respect you and many other people say dumber stuff but that doesnt mean you’re trolling, also we dunno if thats just how he is regularly

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Fucking King :pray:

wish I had that kind of mother, didn’t have a dad and my mother pretty much taught me jack all outside of a few life tips. This is just more due to absent parenting than just bad parenting, love my mom and I know why she was never around for me and my siblings. Still parental figures are something I severely lacked growing up.

Honestly to understand someone, or a culture, or really anything is the first step one should take when trying to be respectful towards it. Not what they do but why they do. Conflict stems from not understanding one another. We fear what we don’t know and if we can know something, or understand it, we don’t need to be afraid of it. We can accept and embrace it. While it isn’t the miracle drug for all situations it is probably the first step one should take when discovering anything, to understand it better and not fear it but to come to terms with it. I think if everyone decided to do that this world would be a much, much better place.

Or to more simply put; assuming makes an ass out of you and me.


this was really funny to be fair

I’m putting the money on he’s a troll, but again, we’re all different.

I kinda understand but I kinda don’t

fr tho like why was he banned for being racist to fictional lego game nationalities.


seems like just cringe edgy rp

m8 if someone has a gun and they’re gonna try to shoot me and I have a gun Ima shoot back.

what are you on about

Damn man that’s heartbreaking, i always get reminded and have to remind myself of how much of a luxury and how im so lucky to have the people around me and the relatives and parents that i do having modest people around you growing up is so important, especially parents since they’re usually who you trust most and look up to most. I hope you’re well and do well in life bro, if you, or anyone else really needs someone to talk to, to get something off their chest im always here :heart:

I have a mom who I have mixed opinions on

don’t really know how long the guy my mom is currently engaged with is gonna last for, I’ve had 2 dads already.

he’s nice though, but that’s how it always begins.

Sandal, you constantly complain about so many things and not understand so many things, and when they are explained and when you are given advice you do not take it seriously or take it at all, I get you probably have personal shit going on for you but you gotta know that you’re not alone and you gotta try to take stuff at least slightly more seriously. Geniunely, I’ve been busting my ass and so many others trying to help you at least slightly for so long yet you neglect it instantly, I’m just saying, you may benefit greatly.

I don’t complain that much don’t be like that ong

also taking everything as a joke is my coping mechanism I know it’s odd but it helps