Most disliked forumer?

There was a doc someone made that had a list of all the boderline illegal stuff he did but im not sure where it is

Helped me set up my discord server, pretty chaotic person overall

that’s the spirit

most unanimously disliked people on closed communities I’ve met are actually quite nice if you get to know them, people aren’t defined by the one things they did wrong. Although can’t say that much for some of them, biggest dicks I’ve met


What was tigerbaby’s forum user? Ive seen galtrons but not him

Its me

this is a joke right?

Why the FUCK you revived this
Thats it, you are going to A to B in my forumer tier list…

yea lol

Speaking of forumer tierlists can we revive that trend again @anon32468667




depends of what tier i will get in most of them

ay come on I spent multiple minutes making a pokemon team for you

i want forumer tierlists back they were funny to read
if nobody makes another i might just do my own :moyai:

i’m gonna remake whenever i get time

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i just wanna be in one :pensive:

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you were in mine (I think)

I’m too cringe and bad to be in one lolz


Guys, I came back to this topic to finally say this

The people I hate most here is everybody
they make me 9000 times racist

except for wmdrayal