Most disliked forumer?

nah elment is my homie ong

the most disliked is probably jason or one of the other pedos (how were there more than one :skull:)


you’re def not the least disliked forumer, i think you’ve actually grown quite a bit

universally i’d say the most disliked forumer would be angmar or jason(o) because of some screwed up stuff they’ve done, but personally at the moment i find people like prussia a bit annoying

What did Prussia do?

the countryhumans incident as well as overall being immature and asking the most annoying questions

What’s that?

when he first joined the forums he was just obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.
first it was politics, then it was countryhumans, then he got temp suspended for spamming out suggestion topics in game discussion.
He derailed literally every topic he touched beyond repair.

Now he ISN’T that, things have changed for the better.

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i like him hes my habibi and thats all that matters :heart_eyes: @anon32468667


Wait there was pédophiles here ?!?!

countries personified as humans (think gachalife stuff but more properly proportioned)


Tf :skull:

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there was a guy called @yoruh I think had some weird shit

“Law enforcement will be contacted as fast as possible.}” DAMN BRUH i wonder if they did the same for madeanaccountforthis or twoleggedabomination too lmao

i think yoruh had some excuses on discord as well or something that was like “well I was underaged too so therefore it’s somewhat okay”

i dont think theres any forumer people outright dislike that arent banned theres just forgettable people (like me) and people that are annoying sometimes

I mean what about like DLD or user4?

idk who dld is

but yeah i guess people do hate user4 kinda unnecessarily considering hes clearly not the age he says he is, i get kids are annoying but we were all annoying too at some point in our lives


tried to dox headless.

of course theres a lot of people who did bad things and rightfully are hated but like i said theyre banned for it, if you mean most hated user overall then i was just misinterpreting the original post, thought you meant out of currently active forumers

editing this to say im dumb and didnt realize you were just explaining who dld is sorry

oh no I meant in general the most notorious

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What’s dox ?