Most Efficient Way to Grind Cooking Skill Level

I’m trying to max out cooking skill level, and I’d like to know what the most efficient way to do it is.


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I’ve already been stealing Saloveze’s pumpkins, so I just keep doing that?

Trade me any sunken piece for 5000 cooking ingredients.

I don’t have any sunkens.

What you could try is just passively stocking up by buying mushrooms and apples from food merchants whenever you have spare galleons, then cook them when you’re bored for easy skill.

It is how I maxed cooking on every slot. I also still havent gone through all the food I cooked yet, so it pretty much sets you for a good 100+ hours of gameplay without having to eat raw ingredients which provide no buffs.

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Yeah I just spammed pumpkins, since they were incredibly easy to farm and are one of the highest hunger value ingredients

3 sky pumpkins + 1 wheat


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Pumpkin bread? Huh

Fishing is pretty effective to me. You can get them in bulk pretty easily and cooking them makes regeneration, an extremely useful food buff that increases your bulk a little. It’s definitely third best to Meta’s method and the pumpkins but it’s how I got to superb cooking.

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I was doing fishing before, but now I’ve tried to look for a more efficient method.

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