Most Fitting Weapon for Each Magic?

Earth= Great Hammar

snow = tennis racket :swag:

I don’t even think you know what a trident is then, it’s an attribute of Poseidon who’s the god of the Sea, Earthquakes, and Storms

yeah but if you ONLY have lightning a trident is not fitting

I only named 2 as sword…

You’re also acting like swords won’t be the most used weapon

Then how is ONLY having water most fitting???

for a trident that is


You literally said lightning isn’t from a god of storms so how is water more fitting?

becouse its a god of the sea
sea = water

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It’s the god of storms

storms = lightning

if i would walk up to a random person and ask what poseidon is god of they would say sea / ocean

Then they don’t know poseidon, like you

Heres my ideas:

Fire :fire_magic: = Katana
Water :water_magic_var1: = Trident
Lightning :lightning_magic_var1: = Rapier
Sand = :sand_magic_var1: Khopesh (egyptian sword)
Snow :snow_magic: = claws
Poison :poison_magic_var1: = whip
Earth :earth_magic_var1: = hammer
Wood :wood_magic_var1: = Bo Staff
Shadow :shadow_magic: = Morning Star or scythe
Glass :glass_magic: = dual daggers
Wind :wind_magic_var1: = bow
Ice :ice_magic_var1: = lance
Metal :iron_magic_var1: = cutlass
Crystal :crystal_magic_var1: = greatsword
Ash :ash_magic: = kukri
Magma :magma_magic: = naginata
Explosion :explosion_magic: = halberd
Acid :acid_magic_var1: = fauchard
Plasma :plasma_magic_var1: = guandao
Light :light_magic_var1: = spear

Edit 1: added emojis of elements, added fire and light magic, changed wood weapon to bo staff

Edit 2: added scythe to be along with morning star for shadow


i find it amusing how you arrive at a topic and the mood is killed instantly


I literally only said my opinion on what would be the most fitting weapon for each magic and then you tried to say an opinion is wrong because you didn’t know what a trident symbolized

replace the trowing axe for wood with a bo staff and its a good list

there is such thing as being too sereous

man this was so serious, sorry man

Shadow - Katanas lul

i was not talking about just this topic