Most lucky and unlucky things that happened (WoM or a different topic)

Talk about something super lucky that happened or something unlucky that happened

Getting literally flung out of the map (unlucky) and losing a poor amulet that’s a good level

i got hit by a car once
but the lucky thing is that i just got back up and went with my day after it was done

Oh god, lucky and unlucky

funny story, and I ain’t saying this wrong:
my dog ran into a car

so my dogs are the type that run for the hills whenever they get a chance, one time we had family over and they opened a door and my beagle/king charles spaniel mix got loose

she bolted across the street and ran smack into the back tire of a moving car
she wasn’t seriously hurt or anything just really shaken

;-; guess it was lucky and unlucky?

i think i already talked this in another topic,but my game crashed exatly when i finded minotaur,and the most lucky was a cannon of a boat become a car

Oh god, spider go brrr

this topic reminds me of this time my dad was driving me and my brother to school last year
we stopped at a light, and when it turned green my dad didn’t notice until a second later
in that same second this car zooms past going at like 60-70 miles an hour in the same lane we were about to take a left into (keep in mind we’re in a road right between several neighborhood zones)
to this day i’m still wondering if we could’ve gotten hit and badly injured, or worse

full strong sunken armor, strong oathkeeper, strong vastira

unlucky: ive caught 2 hard sunken swords and 1 swift sunken sword, mathematically i should’ve caught 2 strong sunken swords and 6 sunken swords in total.

but you are the fishman

how is this possible

im simply turning my luck into matter and freezing it for when vetex announces the super ultra demon god magic level 25,000,000 demon sunken blade of prometheus durza cursebeard zeus chaos unknowns blade sword hammer with a 1/[milliseconds youve spent fishing for it] chance.