Most World of Magic Items on the Roblox Catalog and All Possible NPC Spawn Names (probably)

This is the link to the items on the catalog. I’m missing some Halloween items, plus some others, so if you know any then post it in the comments.

This is a list of all names I have found NPCs to generate with, as well as titles for heroes and villains. Not sure if this is useful but I’ve included it regardless.



Where you took all of that info from? Just manual search?

Nice, some of the WoM clothes are drip fr

My wifi so bad that I can’t open it :sob:

Yeah, I’ve been collecting the names manually. For items, I found some in a different post, as well as the wiki, but I’ve had to find quite a few myself.

holy shit, how’d you manage to get the npc-exclusive names as well?

nvm, that’s impressive

So uh who wants to buy a sunken sword
Also I contributed a little C:

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