could specify what pieces pls?
It’s wizard armor?
I got lucky maybe how about I add pink wizard chest piece?
Hey I’m new to trading so idk if this is worth it for you, but I was wondering if I could trade a powerful dull power amulet and a powerful dull defense amulet for a powerful poor power and a hard dull defense. I was lucky enough to get two powerful power amulets so now I’m just looking for the poor version. Thanks!
You can’t equip both power amulets anymore.
Oh ok thanks for letting me know. In that case can I just trade a powerful power for a hard defense?
Sorry no, Hard Defense amulets have a much higher demand rn.
With the current meta that makes sense. Can I add a powerful defense in also or is it useless without the enchant affinity?
I’m more or less looking for seasonals or a boss drop I can get oathkeepers with a set of wizard stuff.
Trade Log something of the other.
Strong Oathkeeper, Vastira, Mino Boot, Mino Helmet. And a red clown nose? (fuck you estaban ur a clown not me
Keen Sunken Helmet
Trade offer: you give powerfull power amulet, I give strong black wizard robes
No thanks.
welcome to the forums
If you want to get a powerful power amulet theres 2 ways to go about it:
- Try to get other good enchant wizard gear/amulets. Or offer boss drops
Good enchants for wizard gear are hard and powerful, for amulets its hard, powerful and the complementary enchant (for example swift on magic speed amulets). Currently the best amulets are power and defence amulets so preferably get those.
Otherwise if enchanting/boss drops isnt/arentyour thing you can offer wizard gear/amulets in bulk (clean preferably) - Offer crowns and other trash gear to new players in-game who are more likely to accept bad offers
Aight Trade offer: you give powerfull power amulet, I give powerfull magenta wizard robes (upgraded to lv70)
II’ll think about that.
message me on discord reivilO#0506 if have decided
Trade: offer I get you hard power amulet and powerful magenta robes and you get me powerfull power amulet (if you have black bat wings I’d like to do more bussenis)
still no thanls.
You really are looking for rlly good items
Yeah I’ve gotten pretty good overpay. More or less expecting boss drops. Since that’s what people will pay for it