MrNormalBox's Shop (Archived Negotiation/Arguments)

he already traded with me :swag:

wow cruelty :frcryin:

never have I ever agreed with such a statement

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What’s a bursting valk worth? I know it gives a lot of Magic Size.

hm idrk about that one. It’s worth like 1k crowns. But most people will overpay for it since special builds are kinda cool.


so its worthless

Not really. People value them alot. Just market value for special builds is kinda shaky

bursting sunkens exist :troll:

that too

Clean Sunken Boot
Strong Vastira

Clean Exiled Helmet
Hard Wizard Hat

Power amulet for defense amulet

Strong Minotaur Helmet

copy man

my shop was started before you :troll: You copied me ezz.

he has to be joking lol
he cant call others copy cats when he copied the exact same from drama

300??? i get them for 200 or something… skil isu

a swift vast for all your wizard gear (clean and trash enchanted too)

Get verified trader skill issue noob
