MrNormalBox's Shop (Archived Negotiation/Arguments)

What would you gib me for 2 clean minotaur sets? :mariomug:

nothing. I hate minotaur stuff.

ok :frcryin:

5 stars on fucking everthing?
Anyways what i can pay for a oathkeeper

boss drops sunken for a strong oath I prefer exiled boss drops btw.

he was spared from the review trolls

I was :frsleepin:

you’re mean :frcryin: remove or ben :youpieceof:

remove rn or I ping meta :youpieceof:

Strong Oathkeeper
Clean Vastira

Clean SS
Swift SC
notes man wth he thought I was overpaying :frconfused:

Clean SS
Clean Exiled Helmet and Boot, Bursting Exiled Chestplate & Minotaur Boots

Bro i got a clean sunken helm and hard sunken boots yesterday for a heavy WoJ, Swift Vast, Hard Oath, Clean WoJ, Nimble Exiled armor, 2 swift exiled helms, 2 keen exiled pieces and 2 clean mino pieces. We both got some good ass luck :sob:

I rate this shop 48 stars out of 5

i agree with that rating

BROOOOOO literally dies of jealousy

thats why helping people almost always pays :frsleepin:

Keen Sunken Helmet
Clean WoJ

mans sent it to me

Abandon wom

Transparent Denial