Multishot Change

Multishot Change
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 1

This is a very simple change: Multishot should have 1 projectile always go directly for your cursor.

Why should I suggest such a change? Because as a gun enthusiast, it’s a shame that two of the three gun types suck extremely hard, mostly because of their secondary skills, and the reason why Multishot is so bad is because of how awful it is at range. At close range, sure, it can hit a piercing shot in damage, but at any distance it’s impossible to use because of just how wide the spread is.

Games like Terraria would have similar issues to this, with shotgun-like weapons being extremely unreliable, but they’ve managed to fix this issue by Having at least ONE projectile always aim directly at the cursor. This gives some much needed consistency to a weapon type that is, by nature, very inconsistent, and ensures that the player can enjoy the weapon without just completely missing.

Now, I feel like this would be a wonderful addition to Multishot, such that it can actually be used in combat, because currently if you aim at anything that isn’t less than like 15 studs it WILL miss your target from the sheer spread, so having 1 pellet aim properly will ensure you at least get SOMETHING out of using the skill.

If doing something such as this is out of the question, at least have a change where the longer you charge multishot, the less it spreads, so that I can actually hit people with it after doing a T jump. It literally spreads too wide (mind you it seems with testing it ALWAYS spreads at the maximum) to land

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i suggested this a while ago in the balance doc and it got added for like 3 days before getting removed :sob:


I don’t really like this because then it’s not even a multishot.

I still like the shotgun projectiles, I just think it needs some consistency

i mean some games do that with shotgun hitboxes

still, it’s not really a shotgun attack if it’s just a cone, not to mention it’s more fun to land full damage shotgun attacks at a distance than just deal 5% damage with a cone

It could be made to have a consistent spread pattern and remove the random aspect entirely.

RNG attacks aren’t ever going to feel good to miss because its always going to feel like it was the game screwing you over.
This suggestion only partially fixes this problem.

yes, but the issue with a consistent spread pattern is that it’s still not going to be usable at any distance, since with the way it works now they’d probably all be on the very edge of the cone of spread

the consistent spread pattern could still follow this suggestion and have one projectile move in a straight line.
It’d just also cut out the rest of the RNG and make the ability more skill based since you’d have to consider the spread pattern to know the best way to shoot a target at higher range.

wait wdym theres 3 gun types
ive only seen musket and flintlock
theres another one???

Musket, Flintlock, and Dual Flintlocks.

Flintlock x2

dual flintlocks are a separate gun type with different skills

I get that the suggestion channels are locked until after the update in the balance discord, but don’t post combat balancing suggestions here on the forums

Skill balance suggestions/reworks are only to be posted in our balance Discord. The forum is for non-balance requests only.