Mutation and Hecate shards ⏫️

Mutation is a type of magic where you bring the magic’s energy to another one of your magic into one strong magic, a magic that pretend to be another magic or the magic energy itself pretends.

Hecate shards and Hecate essence is a goddess name Hecate, shattered her soul to divided them into different part. This is the only way to keep magic evolving. Finding hecate essence makes you have the ability to control and manipulate different type of magic OR you can use hecate shards to mutate your magic into even stronger mutation than manual mutation (manual mutation is where you do mutation without the help of hecate shard, you just convert your magic to another magic, making one stronger magic).

Here is the example of mutation i just drew.

A person who found hecate essence can change their magic into other magic OR if a person found a Hecate shard, the person can mutate their magic into lost or ancient magic . Using 1 hecate shards makes you have the ability to make Lost magic. Having more than one hecate shards makes you have the ability to make normal magic into Ancient magic, even stronger than Lost magic. Lost and Ancient magic can be pass through generations, making kids at a very young age able to manipulate mutated magic like Crystal, Plasma or Poison and this will be called Lesser mutation or something like that (you can find it in google doc). After mutating your magic into Lost/Ancient magic, you need a spell scroll to learn how to control your mutated magic, like learning the required magic circle to keep the magic stable when in use or to make an attack so powerful that only the specific magic can use it.

Manual mutation on the other hand, doesnt need Hecate shards to evolve into stronger type of magic (mutation). The mages instead uses their magic to turn it into mutated magic using specific control and stability of their own magic circle.

Now, this type of mutation is made by me, my idea because i saw a post about your own custom magic, so i wonder if you can mutate with 2 mutation into one poweful mutation. This type of mutation is called Supreme mutation and it can only be created 1 per people since it contain poweful amount of magic energy into one super powerful magic.

I also have another thought. Since spirit energy exist in every living things and organisms, i was thinking, does wheat and every seed count? But since vetex didnt say it doesnt come from seed like wheat, ill assume that it does exist in them. Now, imagine that you have no other magic to pick because all of them is pure destruction and for fighting. What if, your other mind, will be mutate with spirit energy and by using hecate shards, you can make food/drinks magics! Its similar, you just spawn a food, doesnt matter how much you wanna shoot it out, as long as it serve like you imagine it to.

But overall of this, whats your opinion? Like i am really invest in this kind of thing for sure.

Me when I lie

no, you just draw out the properties of one magic to get to another

also wrong, they’re all just mutations since god mutations aren’t a thing anymore

hecate essence isn’t the same as shards, those will be added later into the game

I see, but in wiki i saw that people said god mutation is a thing, but this idea sound kinda cool to me

which wiki and where in it?

So hecate shard is an object?

Here lmao

I have never seen this wiki in my life

i’ve never heard of that wiki in my life, and it hasn’t been updated in years, i wouldn’t trust that as a good source of info

also apparently it’s not even for aa, it’s for the creator’s own game? this is definitely untrustworthy for proper lore

Curious me search it and found it

It might be for ar

If theyre diff, then whats the uses of them both?

Prob dont wanna get copyright by vetex idea or smth

essence changes your magic, shard mutates your magic

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Ohh so the essence is the one in i3 dark sea huh?


Whats this game

the game that the wiki you found was for

Not for ar nor aa? Dang

well, it very much seems to be based off aa/ar