Mutation and Hecate shards ⏫️

Yeah that’s what I assumed, though I did think since he was swapping away from scrolls for the losts he’d do the same for the ancients. But I guess he isn’t? That could be cool maybe

I guess we won’t know till 4 years from now when ancient magics come out

I was gonna say

Yeah so the trello is outdated then?
Oh wait but they are taught?

Is Westloonlake stupid

it is in quite a few aspects
I can list enchants and chest loot table off the top of my head

no, the trello says you need spell scrolls because the ancient magics don’t come with base spells, not that you need a scroll to learn the ancient magic

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Ok I get it now actually :sob:

So… its all about scrolls and shards and stuff :slight_smile:

it used to be just scrolls

Cool :smiley:

And also recoiling question, what magic would you mutate if you had the chance to :thinking:

pressure and gravity, they’re my absolute favourites

I know :smiley:

Mine would be scorch, Im such a plasma fan :smiley:

Besides Sangdrasill

yeah mutations are taught

And thats why we can have crystal magic at the start of the game

In lore you cant change magic, so essence just gives you magic if you are magicless. She “blessess you with ability to use magic.”
Not sure about mutatios, as in lore you just learn how to manipulate your existing magic and you can learn however many magics.

Mutation is where your base magic pretends to be another magic since all magic energy are the same but a part of ur magic energy need to be divided and turn into another magic so you can have 2nd mind and like vetex said, magic energy can grow overtime, the more u use it the more it increase, its like youre lonely and dont know how to talk, overtime the more u talk, the more u can talk (like ur comfortable to talk more…)

Fire is hot
water is wet

But ig.
Cause while in game we repalce our magics, in lore we just get new ones.

Does every magic have a cursed version, because if custom magic also has a cursed version then we are all fu-