My AO Inspired game combat dynamics

Combat skills are obtainable through a menu, in which you can purchase skills in one of three categories. Currency to buy these skills is the sole reward for levelling up, player level generally takes a sideline to actually being good at the game.

The possible actions that a player can bind to the usable keys are called “Techs”. Techs are unlocked with Mastery, which is something that can be unlocked identically to skills, by buying it, and can unlock new skills to buy.

The three combat skillsets are similar to Arcane Odyssey’s.

  • Essence
    Use of life-force as a magical power.
    • Additionally, it can use any techs from Kinetics and Technique, the requirement being one Mastery level over the amount required to unlock the tech. This allows for it to be used in tandem with the other two, instead of having to pick one.
  • Kinetics
    Use of objects such as weapons for combat.
  • Technique
    Basically, AO fighting styles. Fist combat.
    • Additionally, this one comes with the ability to modify other combat methods by multiplying their values positively or negatively, like AO’s imbuement. The requirement for this is to get one Mastery level over the requirement to unlock a technique.

You can select a catalyst from any of these categories. Your essence selection, your weapon of choice, or your bare fists with your technique.

But wait, there’s more!

Introducing Passive Skills!
I’ve thought a lot about how this is gonna go if you couldn’t tell.
These ones work on a separate point system, gained in tandem with the other point system. Much like the previous, you can purchase skills with these points, except they can be used both in and out of combat!

  • Agility
    Skills revolve around improving your movement. Any investment allows you to move quicker!
  • Vitality
    Skills revolve around staying alive! Keeping the poison out of your lungs, or putting up your defenses. Any investment increases your max health.
  • Perceptivity
    Skills revolve around social manipulation and assessment. Any investment will increase the visibility of anyone or anything you are in combat with, eventually you can figure out how to visualize them through walls~!

And don’t get me started about armor, because I haven’t thought hard enough about that yet! Muahahahaha!




It’s actually

Even here, I cannot escape the limbusrot

Okay so judging by the lack of replies, anybody who read has no idea what any of this means

I’m ngl it sounds exactly like AO

Maybe like 50% or more the same concept.

the only thing thats important is for the combat to flow the same- mildly aim based, mobile, and committed

You got it, king!

Alright so, for armor stats, I’m thinking about them increasing the basic stats of Agility, Vitality, and Perceptivity.

Nimbility, increases your movement capabilities.
Defensiveness, increases your max health, and resistance to environmental factors.
Clarity, adds to the visibility and existence of visual indicators.

Then we can have more that do whatever else.
Attack stats like speed, size, and cooldown reduction. I’m not afraid to copy basic aspects from AO.
Unlike the first three, these give a direct buff to attacking. They also can’t be increased by gaining stats outside of armor.

stock what kind of RPGs have you been playing

What’s the problem?

I have literally never seen that as a stat in my life

Well, basic for this game.

Tried to be indifferent (I hate different people)