My Attack Speed Build (aka light go zoom)

I’ve talked a bit about my attack speed build but I haven’t really shown it off yet so here it is.

Ok but you actually have to do damage ok.

Also, Attack Speed scales down logarithmically, I had to learn that the hard way…

how much attack speed does cernyx’s gear give unenchanted?

the amulet at lvl 60 gives 112 def and 9 attack speed and the robe at lvl 60 gives 117 def and 16 speed im not sure about the pants because i dont have an extra one

Im farming carina to get some more power

Yea my build is pretty simmilar to yours but I cut down most of the speed for damage cause it gets pretty irrelevant after a while.

Just using Shapes is enough cause it ignores the logarithmic decrease of attack speed buffs. (My 80 magic speed is as fast as the one in this video)

at what point does it become inefficient?
attack speed is my 3rd highest stat

anything over a hundred scales pretty bad

Power and defense are flat rate stat buffs they do not “scale bad”. If what you said about attack speed scaling as a log graph is true then there are diminishing returns and not worth investing after a threshold. Agility probably works in the same way as Vetex wouldnt want people to look like they are speed hacking.

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