My biggest trade so far

Schermafbeelding 2024-06-09 142119
A tiny loss but I think it would be a win over time, i call this an investment.

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I still remember how I casually traded away the Halloween items back in WoM :skull:


I have made nearly 100k galleons profit from offering for seasonals

Like for some reason my hallowed just went up 50k in value

This isnt a loss, this is a W rn and a W long term

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Alr thanks for telling me

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its always a W, even though acris are rare, they can always be found again


I had so many seasonals back in WoM until roblox terminated my old acc in 2021… I’ll always miss my american sunglasses

Update I traded them for a hallowed 2 I know it is a loss but it is quite nice i guess

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