My Character File

Since I’m new, Might as well show my Character file ig

Her Name is Reiko Saihara, she’s a Lightning Conjurer.


fellow lightning conjurer?

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Me and my friend jokingly ship her and Elius for shits and giggles because their magic the same. I wanted to draw her Character with Reiko too but maybe next time :smiley:

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i legit realized when i was at lv 60ish that my magic and stat build was exactly the same as elius so when i reached lv 125ish i went to farm elius for the weapons
honestly? elius is PEAK!!!
lightning conjurers (NPCS and OCS/Character Files) UNITEEEE!!!

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Might draw my other Character slot later, he looks like Xiao for some odd reason

xiao has a cool character design ngl!!!

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Which Xiao?

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His hair looks like seaweed to me. It looks edible

most likely the genshin xiao

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would eat his hair, 10/10

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I see they are a member of the shi association

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Ooh, she’s cute!
Nice style, btw

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You should post this, this is gorgeous

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I’am still trying to find an artstyle rn. But Tysm <3

What is the Shi Association if i may ask?

I love your style, its so clean

I just colored it right after i sketch

This is better than anything I made, I love the colour as well


Some Project Moon stuff. Basically an organized (and legal) group of hired assassins who are heavily overworked and can barely take the time to tend to their wounds or even rest before being sent on another assassination request (the requests are very common in their setting.)

Reiko looks a lot like the average member of the association; scarred, injured, exhausted, and tired of the crap they have to deal with. Heck, even their outfits look similar.

Expect to see more Project Moon sleeper agents on the forums. also this art is really good m8 :+1:

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